Now this is a post I made on someone else's theory, however it was too good to not make my own theory off of ;) In either case, happy reading:
Time travel is simple. If you go back and change something that affects your decision to go back, it's a paradox. The universe hates Paradox's. In fact Smokey will kill you if you are a potential for Paradox. The easiet explanation for this, Yemi, we all know was supposed to go to the island for some reason. Eko usurped his position, and eventually was went on 815. My theory on that is the same people who manipulated John, Claire, Jack, everyone... manipulated young Eko. In either case, smokey wipes the shores of oblivion with Eko's face. And guess what, Yemi makes it to the Island anyway via course correction part two. Same think with Frank Lapidus and the other pilot. Something kept Lapidus from piloting 815 (the same manipulating forces I've already mentinoed), and some other guy flies the plane and, not to anyone's surprise, also becomes lunch for Smokey in the Pilot episode. So if you aren't supposed to be there, because you potentially will create a time Paradox, Smoke! y is the physical correction officer for the universe.
Other notable Smokey related smiting, is Keamy and crew (who also weren't supposed to be there, because according to all of our "fate-believing" others such as John and Ben, 815 was NOT SUPPOSED to call the freighter, as well as NOT SUPPOSED to leave the island). Smokey also likes to make whatever happened, happen. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the guy on Danielle's expedition who loses his arms (I can't remember this too well, and I'm lazy and don't feel like looking this up), but doesn't he originally have his arms blown off at the Black Rock? Now that Jin is taking them to the radio tower instead, it becomes apparent that they do not make it to the Black Rock as originally in the timeline. So Smokey, the all-knowing paradox preventing powerhouse will not stand for this, and personally rips his arms off. This beings me to the theory...
The "Others" (this is the group which includes Ben, Hawking, Jill, Friendly, Widmore, the medium from Australia, Abaddon, everyone...) did SOMETHING we don't know of yet that has a potential for paradox. They all seem to have motives that are slightly different, but in the end, all revolve around giving themselves a part in this island euqation. As we know, if you dare create a paradox, Smokey will eat you with a side of fava beans and some chiante. However, it you keep the paradox from forming, AND keep Smokey off your back, congratulations you have found the way to cheat the system.
See, the "For Dummies" part of this theory is that by forcing yourself into the time-travel equation to be integral to the future decision of SOMEONE to go back in time to make you intend on forcing yourself into the equation... (and so one), therefore you have just granted yourself eternal salvation from Smokey, if he is the universe's time-cop. And that now, as a tradeoff for your new-found salvation, you gain a new mission in life... to MAKE SURE the people who go back in time (lets call them the "Pawns" for short) actually go back to give you that incentive! And if you fail, Smokey will come visit you in your Manhattan loft, and destroy your living room while you watch American Idol with a nosebleed.
So now we are at a crossroads, there is an array of people gaining immortality per-se, and excaping their impending doom by forcing a time-loop every cycle. And there exists a single Other (I will place my chips on Widmore) is the rogue, who is manipulating the same group to do things differently so that in the next iteration he personally will end up reigning supreme. It's like watching two politicians manipulate voters during election time. Now, it could possibly be Ben who's the rogue here also, he has a lot of evidence against him. I am actually more 50/50 now that I write this. In any accord, whoever it is, see you put together this array of "in-the-know" people to recreate the original circumstances as best as possible (because you want the chain of events after they travel back to be as variable-free as possible) so you don't end up staring at a photograph with your brother and sister disappearing while you play Earth Angel on the guitar. It becomes hard to re-create ! these events when some rogue is trying to push the system into his own favor, manipulating things and events to happen differently. Perhaps, it's just a rogue who even wants to see the system fail, like the Joker in batman, with no motive.
At the end of the day, you have to make sure If you WEREN'T SUPPOSED to be on the island at all, ever, you could seriously avoid the paradox by stapling ANOTHER one right on top of it. If it turns out that the Others decided they wanted to walk around Earth bullet-proof, and created this recursive time-paradox to accomplish that, perhaps the "rogue" other wants to reset things to how they originally are. That is, the rogue is actually the good guy, who wants to remove immortality status from these "Others" such as Ben, and Richard, Friendly, and whomever else is cheating the system. Perhaps, this is Widmore, and he is the good guy after all. And at the end, they all will fall wrath to Smokey, and then the island goes back to normal, paradox free.
My belief to all of this is that the Oceanic 815 plane either WAS that event that has for eternity, given our Ben/Friendly/Richard group their "Island won't let me die" status. Or the opposite, is that the rogue made the plane crash happen to end it all. The plane was never supposed to crash (and smokey is on the lookout to get everyone who is on that plane). So whoever crash-landed this plane of pawns, has to find some way to keep some of them alive for my theory to hold true. What is this you say? How do you keep certain pawns alive? Because you send them to the island, and have one guy, John Locke time-flashing because someone turns the wheel, and he meets you in the past, giving you the incentive to manipulate the plane to fly out in 2004 to begin with. John Locke is Widmore's CONSTANT! And then you get them to leave the island and go back AGAIN at just the right moment (because you know where/when the island is thanks to an advanced Catholic Church laboratory) and know ! that this time around, you have manipulated things enough that a certain amount of them (you only need one) will end up back in time as a natural paradox-prevention method, to give you the past incentive to send the original place out again. And members of this "go back" group who ends up in the past, ends up in DHARMA, and someone will be Ben's CONSTANT... now giving both Ben and Widmore grounds to avoid time-paradox prevention protocol. Both of these men (as well as all of the Others) are all correcting each other's manipulating actions, so they ALL don't suffer the same fate. It's a standing stalemate, in which neither group can kill each other, since each of their actions provides a constant for each other. They keep trying to manipulate it to gain power over the other party, but there is some grade-A counter-manipulation going on here to fight back. At the end, whoever this "war" is against, it's really jsut because now since this plane has landed, and the manipulatio! n this time around forced a few things out of balance (Jin, et! c...) A LL our imortal Others are at risk of Smokey's wrath, or worse... a standard textbook human old-age death (how tragic!) Theory by matt
Time travel is simple. If you go back and change something that affects your decision to go back, it's a paradox. The universe hates Paradox's. In fact Smokey will kill you if you are a potential for Paradox. The easiet explanation for this, Yemi, we all know was supposed to go to the island for some reason. Eko usurped his position, and eventually was went on 815. My theory on that is the same people who manipulated John, Claire, Jack, everyone... manipulated young Eko. In either case, smokey wipes the shores of oblivion with Eko's face. And guess what, Yemi makes it to the Island anyway via course correction part two. Same think with Frank Lapidus and the other pilot. Something kept Lapidus from piloting 815 (the same manipulating forces I've already mentinoed), and some other guy flies the plane and, not to anyone's surprise, also becomes lunch for Smokey in the Pilot episode. So if you aren't supposed to be there, because you potentially will create a time Paradox, Smoke! y is the physical correction officer for the universe.
Other notable Smokey related smiting, is Keamy and crew (who also weren't supposed to be there, because according to all of our "fate-believing" others such as John and Ben, 815 was NOT SUPPOSED to call the freighter, as well as NOT SUPPOSED to leave the island). Smokey also likes to make whatever happened, happen. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the guy on Danielle's expedition who loses his arms (I can't remember this too well, and I'm lazy and don't feel like looking this up), but doesn't he originally have his arms blown off at the Black Rock? Now that Jin is taking them to the radio tower instead, it becomes apparent that they do not make it to the Black Rock as originally in the timeline. So Smokey, the all-knowing paradox preventing powerhouse will not stand for this, and personally rips his arms off. This beings me to the theory...
The "Others" (this is the group which includes Ben, Hawking, Jill, Friendly, Widmore, the medium from Australia, Abaddon, everyone...) did SOMETHING we don't know of yet that has a potential for paradox. They all seem to have motives that are slightly different, but in the end, all revolve around giving themselves a part in this island euqation. As we know, if you dare create a paradox, Smokey will eat you with a side of fava beans and some chiante. However, it you keep the paradox from forming, AND keep Smokey off your back, congratulations you have found the way to cheat the system.
See, the "For Dummies" part of this theory is that by forcing yourself into the time-travel equation to be integral to the future decision of SOMEONE to go back in time to make you intend on forcing yourself into the equation... (and so one), therefore you have just granted yourself eternal salvation from Smokey, if he is the universe's time-cop. And that now, as a tradeoff for your new-found salvation, you gain a new mission in life... to MAKE SURE the people who go back in time (lets call them the "Pawns" for short) actually go back to give you that incentive! And if you fail, Smokey will come visit you in your Manhattan loft, and destroy your living room while you watch American Idol with a nosebleed.
So now we are at a crossroads, there is an array of people gaining immortality per-se, and excaping their impending doom by forcing a time-loop every cycle. And there exists a single Other (I will place my chips on Widmore) is the rogue, who is manipulating the same group to do things differently so that in the next iteration he personally will end up reigning supreme. It's like watching two politicians manipulate voters during election time. Now, it could possibly be Ben who's the rogue here also, he has a lot of evidence against him. I am actually more 50/50 now that I write this. In any accord, whoever it is, see you put together this array of "in-the-know" people to recreate the original circumstances as best as possible (because you want the chain of events after they travel back to be as variable-free as possible) so you don't end up staring at a photograph with your brother and sister disappearing while you play Earth Angel on the guitar. It becomes hard to re-create ! these events when some rogue is trying to push the system into his own favor, manipulating things and events to happen differently. Perhaps, it's just a rogue who even wants to see the system fail, like the Joker in batman, with no motive.
At the end of the day, you have to make sure If you WEREN'T SUPPOSED to be on the island at all, ever, you could seriously avoid the paradox by stapling ANOTHER one right on top of it. If it turns out that the Others decided they wanted to walk around Earth bullet-proof, and created this recursive time-paradox to accomplish that, perhaps the "rogue" other wants to reset things to how they originally are. That is, the rogue is actually the good guy, who wants to remove immortality status from these "Others" such as Ben, and Richard, Friendly, and whomever else is cheating the system. Perhaps, this is Widmore, and he is the good guy after all. And at the end, they all will fall wrath to Smokey, and then the island goes back to normal, paradox free.
My belief to all of this is that the Oceanic 815 plane either WAS that event that has for eternity, given our Ben/Friendly/Richard group their "Island won't let me die" status. Or the opposite, is that the rogue made the plane crash happen to end it all. The plane was never supposed to crash (and smokey is on the lookout to get everyone who is on that plane). So whoever crash-landed this plane of pawns, has to find some way to keep some of them alive for my theory to hold true. What is this you say? How do you keep certain pawns alive? Because you send them to the island, and have one guy, John Locke time-flashing because someone turns the wheel, and he meets you in the past, giving you the incentive to manipulate the plane to fly out in 2004 to begin with. John Locke is Widmore's CONSTANT! And then you get them to leave the island and go back AGAIN at just the right moment (because you know where/when the island is thanks to an advanced Catholic Church laboratory) and know ! that this time around, you have manipulated things enough that a certain amount of them (you only need one) will end up back in time as a natural paradox-prevention method, to give you the past incentive to send the original place out again. And members of this "go back" group who ends up in the past, ends up in DHARMA, and someone will be Ben's CONSTANT... now giving both Ben and Widmore grounds to avoid time-paradox prevention protocol. Both of these men (as well as all of the Others) are all correcting each other's manipulating actions, so they ALL don't suffer the same fate. It's a standing stalemate, in which neither group can kill each other, since each of their actions provides a constant for each other. They keep trying to manipulate it to gain power over the other party, but there is some grade-A counter-manipulation going on here to fight back. At the end, whoever this "war" is against, it's really jsut because now since this plane has landed, and the manipulatio! n this time around forced a few things out of balance (Jin, et! c...) A LL our imortal Others are at risk of Smokey's wrath, or worse... a standard textbook human old-age death (how tragic!) Theory by matt