A brief theory about the Dharma Intiative in the 70's I believe has a very close tie in with Portland.
Someone briefly went over this theory although I believe he missed out crucial supporting evidence which I iwll hopefully back up. (http://theoriesonlost.blogspot.com/2009/03/tunisia-is-exit-portland-is-entrance-by.html)
My first main back up comes from Season 1 - Exodus Part 1. When Sun gives Jin a translation book, I remember this because it struck me as a very weird word to use, in fact, I hardly ever hear it used.
"Starport" This is the first time we ever hear anything to do with 'star' or 'port'.
Yes they were about to leave to find a port (Walt,Jin Sawyer), but let's link this up with Richard Alpert's quote 'It's not quite in Portland'. First off the word 'Port' is obviously situated with 2 things, the first that there is a submarine which obviously means they would have to dock in to some port of some kind, also port can also be accociated with Portland. Now I'm not from America (North London) but from this map (http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?hl=en&q=portland&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wl) it obviously shows there is a river which streams off to the sea... So I assume that maybe the Submarine would travel through a point bearing like Faraday showed and obviously the island is moving or moves to one spot for a period of time, then the bearing would take them out maybe say 100 miles off Portland... Also I would like to point out that there is a National Volcanic near Portland which also links to Lost and it's volcanic reckoning... hmmm.
"Star", the obvious point out would be that now with the Dharma Jumpsuits, there is a star in the middle. I believe that there is a station off the island and it's obviously in Portland, I mean how else did Dharma get people there, from submarine, to Portland. Also (credit to Mark) John Locke was to join a summer camp called Portland by Alpert aka Dharma Initiative headquaters.
But although this is interesting in it's context, I believe this will be the place where Jin and Sun reunite, hell even under the stars. Even the river ends up in the pacific ocean so maybe there are many bearings which end up in different places in the pacific ocean, say the freighter could be in the south pacific, Portland in the north on a different bearing obviously with the "numbers" included.
Oh yea with all this egyptain stuff being thrown around, there is a place called 'Olympia' right near Portland's port. Hell, can't wait for an episode there. Theory by morethansam
Someone briefly went over this theory although I believe he missed out crucial supporting evidence which I iwll hopefully back up. (http://theoriesonlost.blogspot.com/2009/03/tunisia-is-exit-portland-is-entrance-by.html)
My first main back up comes from Season 1 - Exodus Part 1. When Sun gives Jin a translation book, I remember this because it struck me as a very weird word to use, in fact, I hardly ever hear it used.
"Starport" This is the first time we ever hear anything to do with 'star' or 'port'.
Yes they were about to leave to find a port (Walt,Jin Sawyer), but let's link this up with Richard Alpert's quote 'It's not quite in Portland'. First off the word 'Port' is obviously situated with 2 things, the first that there is a submarine which obviously means they would have to dock in to some port of some kind, also port can also be accociated with Portland. Now I'm not from America (North London) but from this map (http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?hl=en&q=portland&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wl) it obviously shows there is a river which streams off to the sea... So I assume that maybe the Submarine would travel through a point bearing like Faraday showed and obviously the island is moving or moves to one spot for a period of time, then the bearing would take them out maybe say 100 miles off Portland... Also I would like to point out that there is a National Volcanic near Portland which also links to Lost and it's volcanic reckoning... hmmm.
"Star", the obvious point out would be that now with the Dharma Jumpsuits, there is a star in the middle. I believe that there is a station off the island and it's obviously in Portland, I mean how else did Dharma get people there, from submarine, to Portland. Also (credit to Mark) John Locke was to join a summer camp called Portland by Alpert aka Dharma Initiative headquaters.
But although this is interesting in it's context, I believe this will be the place where Jin and Sun reunite, hell even under the stars. Even the river ends up in the pacific ocean so maybe there are many bearings which end up in different places in the pacific ocean, say the freighter could be in the south pacific, Portland in the north on a different bearing obviously with the "numbers" included.
Oh yea with all this egyptain stuff being thrown around, there is a place called 'Olympia' right near Portland's port. Hell, can't wait for an episode there. Theory by morethansam