1. Good vs Evil: I sincerely think bozing the characters into sides of good-guy or bad-guy misses the point of the show entirely. Many of the characters have done both good and bad things in the name of themselves, the Island or other unseen forces throughout the series. As in the real world, there is no black and white, only shades of grey. As such, we shouldn't waste time trying to find out who the good-guys / bad-guys are. The motivations behind peoples actions are what truly matters. Someone could easily be doing something they feel is GOOD but in the end, the consequences are NEGATIVE. I think the whole good vs evil thing is best exemplified by everybody's fav. Sawyer. Let's be real here, Sawyer is a faithless, spineless shit, who spent most of his life WRONGING people. This includes his early moments on the Island. But can we truly say Sawyer is a bad person... I don't think so.
If we turn our attention to Widmore, we get pretty much the picture of an evil industrialist who craves money and power, right? I'm not sure. So far the only truly EVIL things he has done were shown to us through BEN's perspective. Ben show Locke a tape of Widmore beating up an unknown man and claims that man is good. CAN WE TRUST BEN? Than we hear, again from Ben, that Widmore has sent his mercenaries to the Island to kill everyone on it. But what if Mr. Keamy simply snapped due to weeks on the freighter. Widmore couldn't have wanted the freighter to explode because he wouldn't be able to get back to the Island otherwise. Remember that it was Keamy who set up the explosives as a protection for himself. Now the fact that Keamy did killy Alex, Karl and Rousseau as well as a bunch of Redshirts is not too good. Nevertheless, I don't believe those orders came from Widmore himself. Keamy is a bloody gun for hire, stands to reason that killing is what gets this guy off. Also, what! if his orders were to kill the Others linked to Ben... tough sell here I admit, but again, I can't hang my hat on Widmore being a baddy. After all, it was him (through Abandon) who convinces Locke to go on the walk-a-bout, thereby ensuring he is on the flight that gets him to the Island. It was WIdmore who found Locke in the desert, fixed him up, gave him a passport and some cash as well as the locations of the O6. Is Widmore out for good or evil in doing so.... not sure, but without his intervention, it's pretty clear Locke would have died in the desert and the O6 would not have made it back.
2. Statue time: So the whole world is now gripped with "statue-fever" as we try to figure out if it's Annubis, Chronos, or who knows what else. I think the point of the statue is to give us another clue as to the origins of the 1st inhabitants of the Island. There have been tons of references to Egypt be it through hieroglyphics, the temple or the presence of ankh's. I believe that the statue will not be of a known Egyptian God. It doesn't fit that a show as creative as Lost would simply grab a God figure of ancient Egypt and recycle it into the show. I seems more likely that the statue will represent some unknown (or made up) deity that at one time was reverred on the Island by the 1st inhabitants.
3. Religion and the Statue: Keeping along the same lines, there have been countless religious references throughout the series as well as the Egyptian references. As I read in another theory, at their base most all religions preach the same message of love and respect of others. So perhaps the goal with all the religious and Egyptian references is to direct us again to the identity of the 1st Island inhabitants. Maybe they are some form of sect that amalgamates the various teachings of different religons/philosophies into one glorious utopia...... and along comes the Dharma Initiative with somewhat the same purpose.
4. THE TRUCE: What we know of the Others so far is that they are a force to be reckoned with and yet, they see fit to establish a truce with the DI. You'd think a group of scientists would be easy as cake to get rid of and yet they come to a peaceful resolution to cohabitate on the Island. Why? As afore-mentioned, they must have either a similar philosophical outlook or they share the same interest in the Island. Suffice to say, the DI also have some pretty unruly plans for the Island as evidences by the desire to "control time" as Pierre Chang puts it. I beleive this is what will end up breaking the truce.
5. Whatever happened happened: Faraday is an interesting guy because everyone seems so willing to believe he has got all this time travel business figured out. I'm not convinced. When we see Ray the freighter doctor in season 4, he refuses to allow Faraday to speak to Desmond (who was suffering from Time travel sickness) because, and I quote, "Faraday can't even help himself". What if Daniel has had some misshap along the way, and the only reason he is on the freighter expidition is to try and rectify it. The guy doesn't remember speaking to a young Charlotte, he doesn't remember Des visiting him in Oxford, he seems LOST about a lot of things, and pretty accurate about others. Sounds too flimsy to me. Maybe whatever happened is being altered as we speak due to the 815ers presence on the Island. Ben seemed chocked as hell to learn that Jin was alive. It also stands to reason that a young Ben living in the Dharma Initiative would remember seeing Jin, Julliet and Sawyer as memb! ers of the DI and then seeing them as crash survivors. I don't know for sure, but I don't think Des is the only special one around.
So have fun trashing everything I've written.
I would expect nothing less from this avid fan base.
=) Theory by Mojo Green
If we turn our attention to Widmore, we get pretty much the picture of an evil industrialist who craves money and power, right? I'm not sure. So far the only truly EVIL things he has done were shown to us through BEN's perspective. Ben show Locke a tape of Widmore beating up an unknown man and claims that man is good. CAN WE TRUST BEN? Than we hear, again from Ben, that Widmore has sent his mercenaries to the Island to kill everyone on it. But what if Mr. Keamy simply snapped due to weeks on the freighter. Widmore couldn't have wanted the freighter to explode because he wouldn't be able to get back to the Island otherwise. Remember that it was Keamy who set up the explosives as a protection for himself. Now the fact that Keamy did killy Alex, Karl and Rousseau as well as a bunch of Redshirts is not too good. Nevertheless, I don't believe those orders came from Widmore himself. Keamy is a bloody gun for hire, stands to reason that killing is what gets this guy off. Also, what! if his orders were to kill the Others linked to Ben... tough sell here I admit, but again, I can't hang my hat on Widmore being a baddy. After all, it was him (through Abandon) who convinces Locke to go on the walk-a-bout, thereby ensuring he is on the flight that gets him to the Island. It was WIdmore who found Locke in the desert, fixed him up, gave him a passport and some cash as well as the locations of the O6. Is Widmore out for good or evil in doing so.... not sure, but without his intervention, it's pretty clear Locke would have died in the desert and the O6 would not have made it back.
2. Statue time: So the whole world is now gripped with "statue-fever" as we try to figure out if it's Annubis, Chronos, or who knows what else. I think the point of the statue is to give us another clue as to the origins of the 1st inhabitants of the Island. There have been tons of references to Egypt be it through hieroglyphics, the temple or the presence of ankh's. I believe that the statue will not be of a known Egyptian God. It doesn't fit that a show as creative as Lost would simply grab a God figure of ancient Egypt and recycle it into the show. I seems more likely that the statue will represent some unknown (or made up) deity that at one time was reverred on the Island by the 1st inhabitants.
3. Religion and the Statue: Keeping along the same lines, there have been countless religious references throughout the series as well as the Egyptian references. As I read in another theory, at their base most all religions preach the same message of love and respect of others. So perhaps the goal with all the religious and Egyptian references is to direct us again to the identity of the 1st Island inhabitants. Maybe they are some form of sect that amalgamates the various teachings of different religons/philosophies into one glorious utopia...... and along comes the Dharma Initiative with somewhat the same purpose.
4. THE TRUCE: What we know of the Others so far is that they are a force to be reckoned with and yet, they see fit to establish a truce with the DI. You'd think a group of scientists would be easy as cake to get rid of and yet they come to a peaceful resolution to cohabitate on the Island. Why? As afore-mentioned, they must have either a similar philosophical outlook or they share the same interest in the Island. Suffice to say, the DI also have some pretty unruly plans for the Island as evidences by the desire to "control time" as Pierre Chang puts it. I beleive this is what will end up breaking the truce.
5. Whatever happened happened: Faraday is an interesting guy because everyone seems so willing to believe he has got all this time travel business figured out. I'm not convinced. When we see Ray the freighter doctor in season 4, he refuses to allow Faraday to speak to Desmond (who was suffering from Time travel sickness) because, and I quote, "Faraday can't even help himself". What if Daniel has had some misshap along the way, and the only reason he is on the freighter expidition is to try and rectify it. The guy doesn't remember speaking to a young Charlotte, he doesn't remember Des visiting him in Oxford, he seems LOST about a lot of things, and pretty accurate about others. Sounds too flimsy to me. Maybe whatever happened is being altered as we speak due to the 815ers presence on the Island. Ben seemed chocked as hell to learn that Jin was alive. It also stands to reason that a young Ben living in the Dharma Initiative would remember seeing Jin, Julliet and Sawyer as memb! ers of the DI and then seeing them as crash survivors. I don't know for sure, but I don't think Des is the only special one around.
So have fun trashing everything I've written.
I would expect nothing less from this avid fan base.
=) Theory by Mojo Green