For a while I've thought it seemed as though forces were guiding the Losties onto flight 815. Whether it was fate, destiny, or pure coincidence was not clear. My theory now is that the 06 and the left behinders helped to set up the circumstances resulting in them crashing on the Island in the first place.
Since all of these characters know exactly how and why they ended up on the Island, they would be the perfect people in the past to "arrange" for all of the events leading up to the plane crash.
One thing that really made this seem plausible to me is the fact that it seems like Hurley is trying to be prevented from getting on the plane originally. His alarm doesn't go off, he has a string of terrible luck and barely makes the plane. I think that Hurley was the only one who didn't want to help "arrange" flight 815 and tried to change things so he didn't have to be on it.
As for the other characters, they went out and found dharma initiative people or actors that they knew would help them: The psychic claire sees, Leonard in the mental institution, the man Ray Kate stayed with, Kelvin aka Sayid's Commander, Nadia, Helen....everyone you can think of who seemed to result in a Lostie landing on the Island.
To me this is the most plausible explanation of why everything lined up so perfectly for all the 815ers to be forced onto the flight without really having a choice. Jack's mom makes him go, Sawyer and Kate are deported, Charlie got that record deal, Hurley was told to go see the woman in Australia, Jin had to deliver the watch...the list goes on and on.
I think the future Losties in the 70s set up flight 815 and made sure they all were on that plane crash! Theory by ivey_driveshaft
Since all of these characters know exactly how and why they ended up on the Island, they would be the perfect people in the past to "arrange" for all of the events leading up to the plane crash.
One thing that really made this seem plausible to me is the fact that it seems like Hurley is trying to be prevented from getting on the plane originally. His alarm doesn't go off, he has a string of terrible luck and barely makes the plane. I think that Hurley was the only one who didn't want to help "arrange" flight 815 and tried to change things so he didn't have to be on it.
As for the other characters, they went out and found dharma initiative people or actors that they knew would help them: The psychic claire sees, Leonard in the mental institution, the man Ray Kate stayed with, Kelvin aka Sayid's Commander, Nadia, Helen....everyone you can think of who seemed to result in a Lostie landing on the Island.
To me this is the most plausible explanation of why everything lined up so perfectly for all the 815ers to be forced onto the flight without really having a choice. Jack's mom makes him go, Sawyer and Kate are deported, Charlie got that record deal, Hurley was told to go see the woman in Australia, Jin had to deliver the watch...the list goes on and on.
I think the future Losties in the 70s set up flight 815 and made sure they all were on that plane crash! Theory by ivey_driveshaft