Read paragraph 3 if nothing else. I'm not buying this alternate timeline idea based on the state of Dharmaville when Sun and Frank see it. First of all, it wasn't in that bad of shape. There were a couple of signs hanging, some overgrown bushes, and dust. The sign were even kind of small if you look and wouldn't have been so noticable if hanging propertly.
More importantly though this idea is based on the losties having changed the past.
I'd like to note that Frank and Sun are in the timeframe where Sawyer and Co. and the canoe shoot out. That flash took place before Jin's flash to meet Rousseau and well before the flash to Dharma days, and so therefore the time frame where Frank and Sun are at existed before the flashes to the past.
Moreover Ethan was alive during season 1, meaning either Juliet was destined to save him in the past or he didn't need her in the first place, and either was it means her presence with the birth meant nothing. Likewise Sawyers presence in saving Amy meant nothing, as she obviously lost Paul at some point in order to hook up with Horace.
Also we have the runway in 2007. They showed us the building of it in season 3. If we are to believe Ben was building it because he'd need it in that timeline, then we couldn't very well accept that Frank and Sun are in a different timeline. If they were then someone else would have had to have built it, making Ben's building of it worthless.
I think the most simple answer is that we are in the same timeline that extends from the time the O6 left. The runway still exists, and Dharmaville has just deteriorated a little over 3 years. As for the Dharma signs and pictures. They were just there and have since fallen down to become more obvious. They may even be on other buildings that we haven't seen before.
Now the catch. What about the numbers? Ehhhh,,, yeah that's a good one. Why were the numbers playing over the plane radio. The only think I've got on that, is that Richard and Co must have reset them for the same reason they were playing to begin with.
I do have one other observation though. 316 instantly flashes to daylight. Why? They moved in time at least a few hours. Perhaps they flashed much farther ahead into the further and are in 2012 or 2020, allowing for more disrepair to Dharmaville. But they did flash, and not necessarily to the 30 year mark indicated in the transition to the 70's. To me that was a reference to Sun and Frank having just been in the present and not necessarily indicative as to where they flashed to. Either way, they flashed. It went from night to day. They flashed.Theory by Locke4God
More importantly though this idea is based on the losties having changed the past.
I'd like to note that Frank and Sun are in the timeframe where Sawyer and Co. and the canoe shoot out. That flash took place before Jin's flash to meet Rousseau and well before the flash to Dharma days, and so therefore the time frame where Frank and Sun are at existed before the flashes to the past.
Moreover Ethan was alive during season 1, meaning either Juliet was destined to save him in the past or he didn't need her in the first place, and either was it means her presence with the birth meant nothing. Likewise Sawyers presence in saving Amy meant nothing, as she obviously lost Paul at some point in order to hook up with Horace.
Also we have the runway in 2007. They showed us the building of it in season 3. If we are to believe Ben was building it because he'd need it in that timeline, then we couldn't very well accept that Frank and Sun are in a different timeline. If they were then someone else would have had to have built it, making Ben's building of it worthless.
I think the most simple answer is that we are in the same timeline that extends from the time the O6 left. The runway still exists, and Dharmaville has just deteriorated a little over 3 years. As for the Dharma signs and pictures. They were just there and have since fallen down to become more obvious. They may even be on other buildings that we haven't seen before.
Now the catch. What about the numbers? Ehhhh,,, yeah that's a good one. Why were the numbers playing over the plane radio. The only think I've got on that, is that Richard and Co must have reset them for the same reason they were playing to begin with.
I do have one other observation though. 316 instantly flashes to daylight. Why? They moved in time at least a few hours. Perhaps they flashed much farther ahead into the further and are in 2012 or 2020, allowing for more disrepair to Dharmaville. But they did flash, and not necessarily to the 30 year mark indicated in the transition to the 70's. To me that was a reference to Sun and Frank having just been in the present and not necessarily indicative as to where they flashed to. Either way, they flashed. It went from night to day. They flashed.Theory by Locke4God