Many have requested that I boil down my verbose "A Theory of Everything, A final solution" into a simple framework that succinctly defines the final direction of the show. So here it is:
“Time–it’s like a street. We can move forward on that street, we
can move in reverse, but we cannot ever create a new street. If we try
to do anything different, we will fail every time. Whatever happened
happened.” Daniel Faraday
The LOST Island is a place which encompasses all time at once and all
the points of its own historical time line converge. It’s a place
where literally the past, present and future coexist and a place where
the voices and ghosts of the future, can bleed into the past or
present and vice-versa. The future dead have warned that there will
be a cataclysm that will destroy the fabric of space-time and those
who know the future are trying to alter it.
Unfortunately, in the world of LOST there appear to be some very specific rules of time/fate:
1. Someone from the past (and only from the island itself) can
travel to the future off the Island. That person who travels from
the past to the future, now knowing the future is the only person that
can actually change the outcome of future events.
2. Since only a person from the past can change the past and alter
the future, fate will not allow any person from the past to actually
change anything and will trap them when they go back from the future
or kill them. (Jacob is very likely trapped in a time limbo)
3. A person from the future can travel to the past (like Faraday and possibly Richard Alpert, as well as our 1974 Losties), but cannot actually change anything in the past. This is because the
future has already compensated for anything they can or will do and
has course corrected for them traveling to the past and trying to make
any changes. “Whatever happened happened.”
I believe we will find that the ultimate goal of LOST is to figure out a way to get someone from the past with future knowledge to change an event in the past and thus change the outcome of the future:
As of this point, there appears to be only two possible routes:
1. A person who has left the island and exits to the future can come
back to the island but only if they are dead, and only at a point in
the past prior to their death. Because they arrive on the island
dead, they will not be trapped in limbo. Also, because they were
alive in that past time/fate must course correct and they must be
alive again when entering the past. However, they will still retain
memories of the future and thus be able to change those events.
2. There might be a way to transfer the consciousness/knowledge of
someone presently living in and having knowledge of the future to
their same body existing sometime in their past so that their present
mind now knows the events of the future and they can now work in the
past to change the events.
Hope now lies with three:
John Locke (Dead, but now on the island resurrected)
Desmond Hume (Has the unique ability to transfer consciousness)
Christian Sheppard (Possible prior Islander, returned dead and now resurrected and working with Jacob)
All of these individuals are an an unanticipated anomaly of the known set time line. The normal rules of fate and course correction do not apply to them. They are the ultimate wild cards and Widmore, Hawkins, Linus, Alpert and Jacob are all now leveraging these indivdials to bring about a different conclusion and a different outcome.
Will any one of these special individuals be able to modify something, just one important thing, that alters course and saves the universe? We shall know if what happened, happened and will always happen or if a single seemingly unstoppable, unchangeable timeline can ever be altered. Theory by Donald A. Salerno
“Time–it’s like a street. We can move forward on that street, we
can move in reverse, but we cannot ever create a new street. If we try
to do anything different, we will fail every time. Whatever happened
happened.” Daniel Faraday
The LOST Island is a place which encompasses all time at once and all
the points of its own historical time line converge. It’s a place
where literally the past, present and future coexist and a place where
the voices and ghosts of the future, can bleed into the past or
present and vice-versa. The future dead have warned that there will
be a cataclysm that will destroy the fabric of space-time and those
who know the future are trying to alter it.
Unfortunately, in the world of LOST there appear to be some very specific rules of time/fate:
1. Someone from the past (and only from the island itself) can
travel to the future off the Island. That person who travels from
the past to the future, now knowing the future is the only person that
can actually change the outcome of future events.
2. Since only a person from the past can change the past and alter
the future, fate will not allow any person from the past to actually
change anything and will trap them when they go back from the future
or kill them. (Jacob is very likely trapped in a time limbo)
3. A person from the future can travel to the past (like Faraday and possibly Richard Alpert, as well as our 1974 Losties), but cannot actually change anything in the past. This is because the
future has already compensated for anything they can or will do and
has course corrected for them traveling to the past and trying to make
any changes. “Whatever happened happened.”
I believe we will find that the ultimate goal of LOST is to figure out a way to get someone from the past with future knowledge to change an event in the past and thus change the outcome of the future:
As of this point, there appears to be only two possible routes:
1. A person who has left the island and exits to the future can come
back to the island but only if they are dead, and only at a point in
the past prior to their death. Because they arrive on the island
dead, they will not be trapped in limbo. Also, because they were
alive in that past time/fate must course correct and they must be
alive again when entering the past. However, they will still retain
memories of the future and thus be able to change those events.
2. There might be a way to transfer the consciousness/knowledge of
someone presently living in and having knowledge of the future to
their same body existing sometime in their past so that their present
mind now knows the events of the future and they can now work in the
past to change the events.
Hope now lies with three:
John Locke (Dead, but now on the island resurrected)
Desmond Hume (Has the unique ability to transfer consciousness)
Christian Sheppard (Possible prior Islander, returned dead and now resurrected and working with Jacob)
All of these individuals are an an unanticipated anomaly of the known set time line. The normal rules of fate and course correction do not apply to them. They are the ultimate wild cards and Widmore, Hawkins, Linus, Alpert and Jacob are all now leveraging these indivdials to bring about a different conclusion and a different outcome.
Will any one of these special individuals be able to modify something, just one important thing, that alters course and saves the universe? We shall know if what happened, happened and will always happen or if a single seemingly unstoppable, unchangeable timeline can ever be altered. Theory by Donald A. Salerno