We all know the island deals with special people. But maybe the reason it does so is because people who were told they were special in the future came to the past and said the island deals with special people. thus starting a loop that never ends.
lotsa people, including myself have said Lost is on a time loop. Now I am theorizing why.
It starts with Desmond trying to alter the future by changing Charlie's fate, it ends with the '06 leaving the island.
Because they wanted to leave, and called the freighter
1. Ben turned the Donkey Wheel, thus causing the island to lapse into a series of time jumps.
2. Locke meets with Alpert in 1954, telling Alpert he was chosen as the Leader of the Others in the 2000's and saying to meet him in 1957. Alpert goes to meet him, several times, and Locke's specialness is created by his own self.
3. The losties end up in Dharma days, thus most likely causing the incident, and even maybe meeting a young ben who they alter his personality.
4. Daniel tells the Others to bury Jughead, which later becomes the site of the Swan, which later Desmond works at, which later is the reason 815 crashes.
Everything is caused by a knowledge of the future, but that knowledge is making them think they the past is effected by the future, but it's the opposite, of course, the future is effected by the past, and their actions are causing the very future they lived in and learned about. Because of this they are creating their own futures, and the very time loop they are stuck in.
The point at which everything changes is the very point they get on the plane. That is when the cause and effects of the time loop come into effect. So really, the reason this is all happening is because they left their real lives.
Because Jack can't let his father go.
Because Sawyer couldn't forgive and forget and let his revenge go or be the father he should have been
Because Hurley was obsessed with the numbers
Because Jin and Sun could not find happiness in their marriage
Because Locke could not live with being handicapped, with being broken
Because Kate could never stop running away
Because Boone and Shannon couldn't let each other go
Because Charlie couldn't stop being addicted
Because Claire didn't want to keep Aaron
Because Michael couldn't let Walt go
Because Sayid couldn't let Nadia go
Because Rose and Bernard couldn't accept death
Because Nikki and Paulo couldn't stop being greedy
Even the Tailies had their demons they could not deal with.
For all these reasons they got on that plane that fateful day, and the time loop began again. Some of them mercifully died early on, but for most of them the effects they are causing especially now are starting this time loop all over again.
even the Black Smoke, and Jacob will be explained by their actions.
Desmond never would have gotten on that boat, because Charles Widmore never would have adopted Penny, because he'd still be on the Island leading the Others because Ben never would have tricked him off of it. Theorizing there, we still don't know why Ben changes, but I am saying it is more than likely the Losties fault.
Desmond and Penny could be together in peace, though they would have had to take more time to find each other.
Eloise Hawking never would have left either, and possibly would have birthed Daniel on the island, thus Daniel and Charlotte might even have come to know each other in the same time period, fallen in love and forged a stronger alliance between Dharma and The Others....
If as theorized Miles is the son of Dr. Candle, he could have grown up on the island in peace as well, because Candle never would have needed to escape (if that's what happened)
So all this to say getting on that plane, running away or toward their demons, these Losties have all created a loop they cannot save themselves from.
Which leaves one with the only possible outcome that could save everyone. The Losties never getting on that plane, never meeting, never falling in love any of them that do, never having all these adventures, etc. Perhaps the only way to do this is for them to develop Desmond's consciousness traveling ability. Or for Desmond to stop them all from getting on the plane, or for them to all time travel back, or one of them, and stop it him or herself. Perhaps that is why Jack wakes up in the bamboo, because he was trying to flash back to the time on the plane, but he can't, because you can only flash to time periods on the island. And why did he lose his memory of the future if indeed he did come from the future. Because Jack died on the plane.
This place is death indeed.
Can they ever break their own created cycle? I guess we'll see. Theory by Justin
lotsa people, including myself have said Lost is on a time loop. Now I am theorizing why.
It starts with Desmond trying to alter the future by changing Charlie's fate, it ends with the '06 leaving the island.
Because they wanted to leave, and called the freighter
1. Ben turned the Donkey Wheel, thus causing the island to lapse into a series of time jumps.
2. Locke meets with Alpert in 1954, telling Alpert he was chosen as the Leader of the Others in the 2000's and saying to meet him in 1957. Alpert goes to meet him, several times, and Locke's specialness is created by his own self.
3. The losties end up in Dharma days, thus most likely causing the incident, and even maybe meeting a young ben who they alter his personality.
4. Daniel tells the Others to bury Jughead, which later becomes the site of the Swan, which later Desmond works at, which later is the reason 815 crashes.
Everything is caused by a knowledge of the future, but that knowledge is making them think they the past is effected by the future, but it's the opposite, of course, the future is effected by the past, and their actions are causing the very future they lived in and learned about. Because of this they are creating their own futures, and the very time loop they are stuck in.
The point at which everything changes is the very point they get on the plane. That is when the cause and effects of the time loop come into effect. So really, the reason this is all happening is because they left their real lives.
Because Jack can't let his father go.
Because Sawyer couldn't forgive and forget and let his revenge go or be the father he should have been
Because Hurley was obsessed with the numbers
Because Jin and Sun could not find happiness in their marriage
Because Locke could not live with being handicapped, with being broken
Because Kate could never stop running away
Because Boone and Shannon couldn't let each other go
Because Charlie couldn't stop being addicted
Because Claire didn't want to keep Aaron
Because Michael couldn't let Walt go
Because Sayid couldn't let Nadia go
Because Rose and Bernard couldn't accept death
Because Nikki and Paulo couldn't stop being greedy
Even the Tailies had their demons they could not deal with.
For all these reasons they got on that plane that fateful day, and the time loop began again. Some of them mercifully died early on, but for most of them the effects they are causing especially now are starting this time loop all over again.
even the Black Smoke, and Jacob will be explained by their actions.
Desmond never would have gotten on that boat, because Charles Widmore never would have adopted Penny, because he'd still be on the Island leading the Others because Ben never would have tricked him off of it. Theorizing there, we still don't know why Ben changes, but I am saying it is more than likely the Losties fault.
Desmond and Penny could be together in peace, though they would have had to take more time to find each other.
Eloise Hawking never would have left either, and possibly would have birthed Daniel on the island, thus Daniel and Charlotte might even have come to know each other in the same time period, fallen in love and forged a stronger alliance between Dharma and The Others....
If as theorized Miles is the son of Dr. Candle, he could have grown up on the island in peace as well, because Candle never would have needed to escape (if that's what happened)
So all this to say getting on that plane, running away or toward their demons, these Losties have all created a loop they cannot save themselves from.
Which leaves one with the only possible outcome that could save everyone. The Losties never getting on that plane, never meeting, never falling in love any of them that do, never having all these adventures, etc. Perhaps the only way to do this is for them to develop Desmond's consciousness traveling ability. Or for Desmond to stop them all from getting on the plane, or for them to all time travel back, or one of them, and stop it him or herself. Perhaps that is why Jack wakes up in the bamboo, because he was trying to flash back to the time on the plane, but he can't, because you can only flash to time periods on the island. And why did he lose his memory of the future if indeed he did come from the future. Because Jack died on the plane.
This place is death indeed.
Can they ever break their own created cycle? I guess we'll see. Theory by Justin