Charles Widmore left the island in 1984. Purge happened in 1992. Who was the leader for these 8 years we are missing?
8 years.
The number.
Lets start with Jin. Jin ‘died’ on the freighter. Later we found he is very much alive. So did Locke.
When Ben met Locke in 2008 the look on his face when he found out Jin is alive was not promising. Ben was confused. Why he was confused. Cause in another time line Jin died.
Danielle said that everything started when they found the Black Rock back in season 1 (Exodus)
This is very it all start. This is where Montand lost his arm. The Black rock.
But in season 5 (This place is death) we saw what happened to his arm and WHERE. The Temple. That’s where this event took place. I thought the producers made a mistake but how? They know we look at every single detail. They cannot make a mistake as big as this one.
Danielle showed us the Black Rock for the first time
Danielle showed us the Temple (sort of) for the first time.
These are two misteries of the show so I know they didn’t make a mistake.
So in original time line Danielle and her team went to look for radio tower. Somewhere on their way they found the Black Rock and everything went down the road for them. She killed them all and made her way to the radio tower. She changed the transmission. It kept playing for 16 years. It was year 1988. Soon after she gave a birth to little girl, Alex. Alex was kidnapped by Benjamin Linus when she was a baby, right after she was born. So we have a year when Ben became proud dad 1988.
Now lets put our Jin to this new time line.
Danielle and her team wanted to look for the radio tower. Jin wanted to find his camp. So they decided to look for the radio tower first and then the camp. Jin was their guide. So Jin took them other way around, cause he knew which way to go unlike them in the first original time line. This time they will not see the Black Rock at all cause they are going in another direction, following Jin. But whatever happened. So Montand lost his arm first time. So he will lose it this time as well. Only the place of that event will change. It will be The Temple. Later on she killed her team. She tried to kill Jin. A little bit later she will give a birth to a girl Alex. Ben is a proud dad. It is 1988. Is it still the same year? Probably yes.
But if something is changed, a small part of a course, everything changes. It will have a bigger impact on the future. But this episode is finished and we will never know. Cause we are back in the past. Back in 70s. Dharma time.
We know purge happened in 1992. How? There is only one evidence. John Lock had a dream. Horace Godspeed told him that he is dead for the last 12 years. So if John is in 2004 minus 12 it gives us 1992. But wrong. This dream has more hidden evidence then the whole 4th season. So let’s go through this dream once more again. (I did this in Jacob’s list to prove that Sawyer is in fact Jacob, now I will try to prove the purge)
1st time
Horace: Hello there.
John: Who are you?
Horace: I am Horace.
John: What are you doing out here.
Horace: Building the place. A little gateaway for me and the misses. You know, I mean sometimes you need to make a break from the DI, you know? Dharma Initiative. Hahaha. I am not making any sence , am I?
John: No
Horace: That’s probably because I have been dead for twelve years.
2nd time
Horace: Hello there. You gotta find me John. You gotta find me John. And when you do you will find him.
John: Who?
Horace: Jacob. He’s been waiting for you a real long time man.
So if we know that the year this dream is happening is 2004 minus 12 (number of years Horace gave us) it leaves us with 1992. But then another question I already asked in my other theory is this:
If we know Charles Widmore left the island in 1984 and that Ben purged everyone in 1992 in order to prove himself and become a new leader. We have extra 8 years. So who was a leader in this period? Who actually ordered a purge? Why Widmore calls Ben a boy ? Why Ben and Charles shook hands?(This scene is so …reminded me of WW II) Because after the purge Ben became a leader? Was this his finally test? The only test? The same one Locke had? To kill his father in order to become a leader of the others. IS THIS HOW HE TRICKED WIDMORE? Is this why Widmore sent Daniels group to the island. In order to stop the purge from happening. That’s the real reason for the masks in their backpacks. To stop the gas. If something goes wrong the masks are there. He knew they will be flashing. 2nd protocol, he knew about the Orchid. He knew where Ben will go. He wanted him to go there. He nailed him. Ben had no other choice but to move the island. That was his only chance of sta! ying alive. And Ben always puts ben in the first place.
So we are missing 8 years. What if none was a leader? What if these 8 years are hoax? How do we know about this date, this year? 1992? Horace in a time loop provided us with the information. HORACE IN A TIME LOOP provided us with the information. If he is in a time loop and everything is repeating over and over again for him then how the hell he knows exact number of years he has been dead. Well simple. He knows when he died, but he doesnt know what year it is now. It was 12 years before he got stuck in this time loop. Since he got stuck who knows. If he wasn’t in a time loop then it would be easy. He died 12 years ago and that was 1992. Why put him in a time loop in a first place? Just to mislead us. To get it all wrong. Everyone assumed the purge happened in 1992 after seeing this particular scene. But we were all wrong.
So we still don’t know when the purge happened. So now I assume that the purge was a test for young Ben. Lets go to the BenLocke conversation. He told Locke that in order to prove himself as worthy he needs to kill his father. (Whats up with this? Killing fathers in order to show yourself worthy? Sick) Ben knows Locke is not capable of killing. So he just wanted to humilate him. What Ben didn’t know was that Richard will hand Locke file on Sawyer. And what Ben didn’t know was that Sawyer actually killed Cooper and not Locke. So this led to Ben getting kicked out. Who tested Ben? Richard, man who does tests or Widmore? Ben passed the test. Widmore wants to prevent that.
Ben knew how to react in order to humiliate Locke. Cause someone tried the same thing before on him. Ben learns from his mistakes.
Danielle gave birth in 1988. Ben stole her baby few days later. It was 1988. Purge happened in 1992. Just doesn’t make any sence. Did he bring baby to Roger? Roger became proud grandpa? Don’t think so. Roger was dead.
Oceanic crashed in 2004. They are on the island. Half of them are dead the other half is split in two. One is off the island. One is on. It is 2008. They are back on the island. 4 years. Time loop. If they are indeed in a time loop then they will crash again. The freighter will show up . O6 will leave and then be back in 2008. But they were never suppose to leave. Locke was right.
4 years repeting all over again.
The number.
4 8 15 16 23 42
What if those numbers are the sequence of the time loop. The length of time loops in years. Years that are repeting.
‘For 16 years, over and over again’
108 is the number of minutes counting down. 108 is the number of days they were on the island. What if that is the deadline. Those 108 days.
Imagine you can control time. Wow. Imagine if time goes out of order. It is random. No order. Imagine yourself living in a time loop over and over again. Or you are shifting from time to time. Or everything gets mixed up? Or it starts going backwards. It would suck!
Joeslater said NO. I say NO too. The main reason they are there is to try and FIX TIME LINE . That is the whole point.
If they don’t fix it we will watch Lost over and over again.
So whatever happened happened. Yes. But this time something happened that wasn’t suppose to happen. Jin survived. The time line is changed. The outcome. Well lets say it will be unpredictable. Theory by Mo Fyaah
8 years.
The number.
Lets start with Jin. Jin ‘died’ on the freighter. Later we found he is very much alive. So did Locke.
When Ben met Locke in 2008 the look on his face when he found out Jin is alive was not promising. Ben was confused. Why he was confused. Cause in another time line Jin died.
Danielle said that everything started when they found the Black Rock back in season 1 (Exodus)
This is very it all start. This is where Montand lost his arm. The Black rock.
But in season 5 (This place is death) we saw what happened to his arm and WHERE. The Temple. That’s where this event took place. I thought the producers made a mistake but how? They know we look at every single detail. They cannot make a mistake as big as this one.
Danielle showed us the Black Rock for the first time
Danielle showed us the Temple (sort of) for the first time.
These are two misteries of the show so I know they didn’t make a mistake.
So in original time line Danielle and her team went to look for radio tower. Somewhere on their way they found the Black Rock and everything went down the road for them. She killed them all and made her way to the radio tower. She changed the transmission. It kept playing for 16 years. It was year 1988. Soon after she gave a birth to little girl, Alex. Alex was kidnapped by Benjamin Linus when she was a baby, right after she was born. So we have a year when Ben became proud dad 1988.
Now lets put our Jin to this new time line.
Danielle and her team wanted to look for the radio tower. Jin wanted to find his camp. So they decided to look for the radio tower first and then the camp. Jin was their guide. So Jin took them other way around, cause he knew which way to go unlike them in the first original time line. This time they will not see the Black Rock at all cause they are going in another direction, following Jin. But whatever happened. So Montand lost his arm first time. So he will lose it this time as well. Only the place of that event will change. It will be The Temple. Later on she killed her team. She tried to kill Jin. A little bit later she will give a birth to a girl Alex. Ben is a proud dad. It is 1988. Is it still the same year? Probably yes.
But if something is changed, a small part of a course, everything changes. It will have a bigger impact on the future. But this episode is finished and we will never know. Cause we are back in the past. Back in 70s. Dharma time.
We know purge happened in 1992. How? There is only one evidence. John Lock had a dream. Horace Godspeed told him that he is dead for the last 12 years. So if John is in 2004 minus 12 it gives us 1992. But wrong. This dream has more hidden evidence then the whole 4th season. So let’s go through this dream once more again. (I did this in Jacob’s list to prove that Sawyer is in fact Jacob, now I will try to prove the purge)
1st time
Horace: Hello there.
John: Who are you?
Horace: I am Horace.
John: What are you doing out here.
Horace: Building the place. A little gateaway for me and the misses. You know, I mean sometimes you need to make a break from the DI, you know? Dharma Initiative. Hahaha. I am not making any sence , am I?
John: No
Horace: That’s probably because I have been dead for twelve years.
2nd time
Horace: Hello there. You gotta find me John. You gotta find me John. And when you do you will find him.
John: Who?
Horace: Jacob. He’s been waiting for you a real long time man.
So if we know that the year this dream is happening is 2004 minus 12 (number of years Horace gave us) it leaves us with 1992. But then another question I already asked in my other theory is this:
If we know Charles Widmore left the island in 1984 and that Ben purged everyone in 1992 in order to prove himself and become a new leader. We have extra 8 years. So who was a leader in this period? Who actually ordered a purge? Why Widmore calls Ben a boy ? Why Ben and Charles shook hands?(This scene is so …reminded me of WW II) Because after the purge Ben became a leader? Was this his finally test? The only test? The same one Locke had? To kill his father in order to become a leader of the others. IS THIS HOW HE TRICKED WIDMORE? Is this why Widmore sent Daniels group to the island. In order to stop the purge from happening. That’s the real reason for the masks in their backpacks. To stop the gas. If something goes wrong the masks are there. He knew they will be flashing. 2nd protocol, he knew about the Orchid. He knew where Ben will go. He wanted him to go there. He nailed him. Ben had no other choice but to move the island. That was his only chance of sta! ying alive. And Ben always puts ben in the first place.
So we are missing 8 years. What if none was a leader? What if these 8 years are hoax? How do we know about this date, this year? 1992? Horace in a time loop provided us with the information. HORACE IN A TIME LOOP provided us with the information. If he is in a time loop and everything is repeating over and over again for him then how the hell he knows exact number of years he has been dead. Well simple. He knows when he died, but he doesnt know what year it is now. It was 12 years before he got stuck in this time loop. Since he got stuck who knows. If he wasn’t in a time loop then it would be easy. He died 12 years ago and that was 1992. Why put him in a time loop in a first place? Just to mislead us. To get it all wrong. Everyone assumed the purge happened in 1992 after seeing this particular scene. But we were all wrong.
So we still don’t know when the purge happened. So now I assume that the purge was a test for young Ben. Lets go to the BenLocke conversation. He told Locke that in order to prove himself as worthy he needs to kill his father. (Whats up with this? Killing fathers in order to show yourself worthy? Sick) Ben knows Locke is not capable of killing. So he just wanted to humilate him. What Ben didn’t know was that Richard will hand Locke file on Sawyer. And what Ben didn’t know was that Sawyer actually killed Cooper and not Locke. So this led to Ben getting kicked out. Who tested Ben? Richard, man who does tests or Widmore? Ben passed the test. Widmore wants to prevent that.
Ben knew how to react in order to humiliate Locke. Cause someone tried the same thing before on him. Ben learns from his mistakes.
Danielle gave birth in 1988. Ben stole her baby few days later. It was 1988. Purge happened in 1992. Just doesn’t make any sence. Did he bring baby to Roger? Roger became proud grandpa? Don’t think so. Roger was dead.
Oceanic crashed in 2004. They are on the island. Half of them are dead the other half is split in two. One is off the island. One is on. It is 2008. They are back on the island. 4 years. Time loop. If they are indeed in a time loop then they will crash again. The freighter will show up . O6 will leave and then be back in 2008. But they were never suppose to leave. Locke was right.
4 years repeting all over again.
The number.
4 8 15 16 23 42
What if those numbers are the sequence of the time loop. The length of time loops in years. Years that are repeting.
‘For 16 years, over and over again’
108 is the number of minutes counting down. 108 is the number of days they were on the island. What if that is the deadline. Those 108 days.
Imagine you can control time. Wow. Imagine if time goes out of order. It is random. No order. Imagine yourself living in a time loop over and over again. Or you are shifting from time to time. Or everything gets mixed up? Or it starts going backwards. It would suck!
Joeslater said NO. I say NO too. The main reason they are there is to try and FIX TIME LINE . That is the whole point.
If they don’t fix it we will watch Lost over and over again.
So whatever happened happened. Yes. But this time something happened that wasn’t suppose to happen. Jin survived. The time line is changed. The outcome. Well lets say it will be unpredictable. Theory by Mo Fyaah