I apologize in advance for setting out anyone else’s theory in part or in whole, as while I do read things here, I do not read EVERYthing here….
Just some tidbits of theory(ies) that I think make sense here and there…
I think the Others we saw in Jughead are actually the remnants, if not the actual passengers and crew of the Blackrock ship that got wrecked when a time jump took place in the past and the ship was stranded inland. These people were either killed off or joined the pre-existing Others who were there at the time, and learned their ways. They speak in Latin, as it has been a language around longer that colloqiul English, and they probably came to learn it would help them maintain continuity with other Others throughout time, when languages tended to fade or gain prominence in the world. I tend to think Widmore was not a captain but a first mate or someone of lower rank that is trying to act big or wants deperately to create an important destiny for himself (there at the time), and who eventually does get to a point of importance. Speculation here, but he may have also gained the wisdom by now (through recent “recollections” of past events a-la Desmond) to know that Desmond ! is the game changer for good that can protect his most precious asset—Penny.
I also think the logbook that Widmore bid on and won was akin to the journal that Faraday has kept… a written record that does not become subject to gaps in memory as caused by the time jumping; in this way, prior timejump data and other similar information was kept, probably in some coded form, so as to illumintae things for anyone reading it later on, which we see also helps in determining important matters, such as who your constant might be, thsu facilitating the timejumping needed to deal with the effects caused by “improper” timeline event correction activities. I am uncertain as to who might need that constant data, but it may be what is needed by those who want to get back to the island.
One thing that has always bothered me is: the measure of importance given to getting back to the island….it seems to me that, unless you know your constant, going back there is suicide due to the temporal anuyerism effects seen….all the back and forth is irrelevant unless you know your constant. Thus, the logbook or other items that can persist through time are vital to the story, unless people just kind of trip onto their constants.
Anyway, I also think it is not a coincidence that Paik is Korean and they are there at the end of the Korean War- I suspect that Paik somehow got involved in helping Widmore got off the island back in the day, and helped set him up in industry, since Widmore had skipped ahead on a prior timejump, saw the future in a way to allow for his industrial success, and needed to get off the island by means other than the FDW, just as the O6 got away by flying a certain bearing…a departure not “authorized” by the island, which has caused negative effects on time that people have been trying to correct for some time.
That’s it for now..hope others have some comments to share, constructive or otherwise.. Theory by Casual Lost Fan
Just some tidbits of theory(ies) that I think make sense here and there…
I think the Others we saw in Jughead are actually the remnants, if not the actual passengers and crew of the Blackrock ship that got wrecked when a time jump took place in the past and the ship was stranded inland. These people were either killed off or joined the pre-existing Others who were there at the time, and learned their ways. They speak in Latin, as it has been a language around longer that colloqiul English, and they probably came to learn it would help them maintain continuity with other Others throughout time, when languages tended to fade or gain prominence in the world. I tend to think Widmore was not a captain but a first mate or someone of lower rank that is trying to act big or wants deperately to create an important destiny for himself (there at the time), and who eventually does get to a point of importance. Speculation here, but he may have also gained the wisdom by now (through recent “recollections” of past events a-la Desmond) to know that Desmond ! is the game changer for good that can protect his most precious asset—Penny.
I also think the logbook that Widmore bid on and won was akin to the journal that Faraday has kept… a written record that does not become subject to gaps in memory as caused by the time jumping; in this way, prior timejump data and other similar information was kept, probably in some coded form, so as to illumintae things for anyone reading it later on, which we see also helps in determining important matters, such as who your constant might be, thsu facilitating the timejumping needed to deal with the effects caused by “improper” timeline event correction activities. I am uncertain as to who might need that constant data, but it may be what is needed by those who want to get back to the island.
One thing that has always bothered me is: the measure of importance given to getting back to the island….it seems to me that, unless you know your constant, going back there is suicide due to the temporal anuyerism effects seen….all the back and forth is irrelevant unless you know your constant. Thus, the logbook or other items that can persist through time are vital to the story, unless people just kind of trip onto their constants.
Anyway, I also think it is not a coincidence that Paik is Korean and they are there at the end of the Korean War- I suspect that Paik somehow got involved in helping Widmore got off the island back in the day, and helped set him up in industry, since Widmore had skipped ahead on a prior timejump, saw the future in a way to allow for his industrial success, and needed to get off the island by means other than the FDW, just as the O6 got away by flying a certain bearing…a departure not “authorized” by the island, which has caused negative effects on time that people have been trying to correct for some time.
That’s it for now..hope others have some comments to share, constructive or otherwise.. Theory by Casual Lost Fan