I very much like the idea of the spaceship explanation provided in the "nature of the island" theory just below, but I'll add to it a bit.
I was never an alien theory believer in regards to Lost, but I do recall a weird hint from Juliet back in Season 3 that the Others were building a runway for the aliens. It reminded me of a small hint we got from Hurley way back in season 1 when he and Sayid heard old music and hurley asked "when" it was coming from. Turns out that "when" has become a question we're asking more and more now, but it seemed like a joke at the time.
So the theory goes that the Island is actually a covered spaceship that carried with it high technology and superior power (the power source under the Orchid). It was also able to cloke itself by bending space/time around it.
I would like to add that the hostiles/natives may actually be native to the island. A major theory on aliens in general is that they aren't actually from other planets but rather further evolved humans from the future, and I would like to theorize that Richard along with a number of the Others are in fact from the future and a lot of the strange goings on can be explained through advancements in techology way into our own future.
Richard has utilized techology that makes him immortal, the spaceship itself can bend and move in time, people can be healed, etc.
What I think is happening is that the people in the future who built the spaceship learned the technology from the crashed ship in the past. Another paradox.
Continuing on a lot of people have supposed that Jack, Kate, Locke and others are the decendants of people who have been involved with the Island in the past. I support that in some cases, but I would like to add that it may be in fact that they are the forefathers of the people who built the ship in the future.
Richard has clearly been there for some time, and I believe he is a member of the spaceship that is now the Island. He has protected its crew against the US military, the Black Rock, and the Losties. He was around when the temple was built, and the 4 toed statue. But he is from the future and may in fact be the decendant of someone like Jack.Theory byLocke4God
I was never an alien theory believer in regards to Lost, but I do recall a weird hint from Juliet back in Season 3 that the Others were building a runway for the aliens. It reminded me of a small hint we got from Hurley way back in season 1 when he and Sayid heard old music and hurley asked "when" it was coming from. Turns out that "when" has become a question we're asking more and more now, but it seemed like a joke at the time.
So the theory goes that the Island is actually a covered spaceship that carried with it high technology and superior power (the power source under the Orchid). It was also able to cloke itself by bending space/time around it.
I would like to add that the hostiles/natives may actually be native to the island. A major theory on aliens in general is that they aren't actually from other planets but rather further evolved humans from the future, and I would like to theorize that Richard along with a number of the Others are in fact from the future and a lot of the strange goings on can be explained through advancements in techology way into our own future.
Richard has utilized techology that makes him immortal, the spaceship itself can bend and move in time, people can be healed, etc.
What I think is happening is that the people in the future who built the spaceship learned the technology from the crashed ship in the past. Another paradox.
Continuing on a lot of people have supposed that Jack, Kate, Locke and others are the decendants of people who have been involved with the Island in the past. I support that in some cases, but I would like to add that it may be in fact that they are the forefathers of the people who built the ship in the future.
Richard has clearly been there for some time, and I believe he is a member of the spaceship that is now the Island. He has protected its crew against the US military, the Black Rock, and the Losties. He was around when the temple was built, and the 4 toed statue. But he is from the future and may in fact be the decendant of someone like Jack.Theory byLocke4God