Hello, and welcome to my "Lost stories" theory. It is not about something certain, but about the whole Lost story and it is based on some new spoilers, so if you didn't read them yet, don't read this theory. And, by the way, I'm sorry for my English)
I recently rewatched "The Man Behind the Curtain" for two times in a row and saw a thing, which is guite interesting. Actually, all of you saw it there, but no one talked on this one.
I am talking about Jacob. When he becomes angry and is throwing objects in the cabin, we can see smell glimpse of him and small image of someone's eye. Some people say, that this eye is Locke's.
But I saw something very, very familliar in that eye. I looked carefully in some of Lostie's eyes in some sites and found the match.
Remember "The Beginning of the End"? Hurley comes closer to Jacob's cabin and there is a Christian Shepard there. Suddenly someone shows half of his face, but we can's see who it is. And that's it. Eye of this man is the same, like "Man behind the Curtain"'s.
Okay, there are many suggestions about this man. Popualar versions - Locke or Jacob. But in my opinion...
Electromagnetic anomaly went crazy when Desmond turned the failsafe key and now Island is moving in time constantly and chaotically. For example, Faraday's clock were saying about 31 minute of delay, but doctor Ray's body was drowned to a beach even before he was killed. Island's time position is unstable.
And it is the key. When Hurley looks into Jacob's cabin, he can actually saw some things from the past, like this face. Jacob's cabin is stable, and that's why Hurley can't see the entire past.
Okay, it was only the first part. When young Ben first meets Richard I looked carefully into what Richard is wearing. He is wearing very old and rusty clothe, however, we can see that this close are from the time, when Black Rock crashed. And I just connected first part of this theory with this and got this line of Lost history. It is not full and maybe there are some wrong things, so comment about this.
1. Volcano eruption. Electromagnetic anomaly goes crazy and Black Rock crashes. The first man, who step on Island - Jacob it is - is becoming Island's medium.
2. Jacob is setting slaves on Black Rock free. For this, captain of the ship, Magnus Hanso, kills Jacob and he is becoming some sort of ghost.
3. Runaway slaves are understanding the nature of Island. Then they do sacrifice - they put their masters in chains and they die because of hunger. Magnus Hanso ran away from them and found frozen donkey wheel. He was the first man, who turned it.
4. Slaves from Black Rock become the Others.
5. Magnus Hanso is trying to find the Island - he is suffering. But all of his attempts are not successful - he cannot return to Island. He dies, but leaves a message to his children to find the Island.
6. Alvar Hanso (Charles Widmore) is an investor of Dharma. With writings of Magnus, Dharma finds the Island. Alvar cannot go with them - the curse of donkey wheel works not only for one man, but for his children too. What about Penny? She was not on Island, so there is no disagreements with her.
7. The Others are in war with Dharma. Emily, mother of Ben, dies.
8. Ben is on Island and can see his dead mother there. When he is trying to follow her, he meets Richard.
9. Ben is becoming Other. The final his initiation - sacrifice, he kills his own father.
10. The Purge, all Dharmies are wiped out. When all of them are dead, one of Others, named Isaac turns the frozen donkey wheel. Then he becomes a healer and a guardian of a Dharma station in Australia. He is guarding the station, so no one can use to go back to Island.
11. 815 crashes.
12. Desmond turns the failsafe key. Electromagnetic anomaly goes crazy.
13. John Locke is becoming the Other. The final of his initiation - sacrifice, he kills his own father.
14. Ben turns the frozen donkey wheel. This attempt to save Islands has horrible consequence's, because of mad anomaly.
Good luck in revealing Lost mysteries!
Theory by Krelin
I recently rewatched "The Man Behind the Curtain" for two times in a row and saw a thing, which is guite interesting. Actually, all of you saw it there, but no one talked on this one.
I am talking about Jacob. When he becomes angry and is throwing objects in the cabin, we can see smell glimpse of him and small image of someone's eye. Some people say, that this eye is Locke's.
But I saw something very, very familliar in that eye. I looked carefully in some of Lostie's eyes in some sites and found the match.
Remember "The Beginning of the End"? Hurley comes closer to Jacob's cabin and there is a Christian Shepard there. Suddenly someone shows half of his face, but we can's see who it is. And that's it. Eye of this man is the same, like "Man behind the Curtain"'s.
Okay, there are many suggestions about this man. Popualar versions - Locke or Jacob. But in my opinion...
Electromagnetic anomaly went crazy when Desmond turned the failsafe key and now Island is moving in time constantly and chaotically. For example, Faraday's clock were saying about 31 minute of delay, but doctor Ray's body was drowned to a beach even before he was killed. Island's time position is unstable.
And it is the key. When Hurley looks into Jacob's cabin, he can actually saw some things from the past, like this face. Jacob's cabin is stable, and that's why Hurley can't see the entire past.
Okay, it was only the first part. When young Ben first meets Richard I looked carefully into what Richard is wearing. He is wearing very old and rusty clothe, however, we can see that this close are from the time, when Black Rock crashed. And I just connected first part of this theory with this and got this line of Lost history. It is not full and maybe there are some wrong things, so comment about this.
1. Volcano eruption. Electromagnetic anomaly goes crazy and Black Rock crashes. The first man, who step on Island - Jacob it is - is becoming Island's medium.
2. Jacob is setting slaves on Black Rock free. For this, captain of the ship, Magnus Hanso, kills Jacob and he is becoming some sort of ghost.
3. Runaway slaves are understanding the nature of Island. Then they do sacrifice - they put their masters in chains and they die because of hunger. Magnus Hanso ran away from them and found frozen donkey wheel. He was the first man, who turned it.
4. Slaves from Black Rock become the Others.
5. Magnus Hanso is trying to find the Island - he is suffering. But all of his attempts are not successful - he cannot return to Island. He dies, but leaves a message to his children to find the Island.
6. Alvar Hanso (Charles Widmore) is an investor of Dharma. With writings of Magnus, Dharma finds the Island. Alvar cannot go with them - the curse of donkey wheel works not only for one man, but for his children too. What about Penny? She was not on Island, so there is no disagreements with her.
7. The Others are in war with Dharma. Emily, mother of Ben, dies.
8. Ben is on Island and can see his dead mother there. When he is trying to follow her, he meets Richard.
9. Ben is becoming Other. The final his initiation - sacrifice, he kills his own father.
10. The Purge, all Dharmies are wiped out. When all of them are dead, one of Others, named Isaac turns the frozen donkey wheel. Then he becomes a healer and a guardian of a Dharma station in Australia. He is guarding the station, so no one can use to go back to Island.
11. 815 crashes.
12. Desmond turns the failsafe key. Electromagnetic anomaly goes crazy.
13. John Locke is becoming the Other. The final of his initiation - sacrifice, he kills his own father.
14. Ben turns the frozen donkey wheel. This attempt to save Islands has horrible consequence's, because of mad anomaly.
Good luck in revealing Lost mysteries!
Theory by Krelin