Since the beginning of LOST, many have pondered over where the island is and when the island is... but after rewatching the first four seasons I am starting to believe that the real revelatory question we need to be asking is WHAT is the island?
I know that many of you fans refuse to accept that the secrets to LOST have anything to do with aliens, but I am starting to believe that they are the key to everything.
Let's look at the facts, one of the main intrigues of LOST is the power that comes from the island... both in terms of its unique properties and its ability to almost talk with its inhabitants.
My theory is that a long time ago an alien ship was visiting a volcano on Earth (I know this sounds alot like Scientology - but isn't the theme of the show science vs faith - the very makeup of this new religion!) If your not familiar with the beliefs of Scientology look it up on wikipedia. However, during its visit it crash landed - maybe the volcano erupted when the ship was close. Many of the aliens died and their souls - thetans (in Scientology) got scattered throughout the Earth and over time the ship was engulfed by growing forests and mountains.
Now if this is the case, this could be the reason that many of our characters seem to be incarnations of past people - Locke for example (see Cabin Fever). And maybe they need to all be on the island and are being called to come back because some of the aliens are still in the ship beneath the island calling the spirits back.
Also, this would explain the unique anti matter and electromagnetism - maybe these properties are key to powering an alien space ship. Can we honestly say an island can space/time travel (as seen in Season 4 finale), but an alien spaceship definitely can. Maybe when the engines are powered up - as done by Ben - the ship is sent through time and space, pulling the island with it. It would explain why the oldest and deepest discoveries on the island ie.frozen wheel, black smoke tunnel all contain ancient alien hieroglyphics!! Also, why would the center of the island be cold - maybe the subzero temperatures are needed for the engines.
Maybe the original inhabitants are alien survivors - Richard Alpert - could explain why he never ages!!
I believe that what we are seeing on LOST are the spirits of aliens trying to return to the island so that they can be reunited and attempt to go home. However, what got int he way...?
The DHARMA Initiative appeared and began to take advantage and experiment on the island, making life for the aliens difficult. A major experiment was the use of the unique exotic matter and electromagnetism to produce time travel and create a wormhole, making returning and leaving the island difficult.
I believe at the very end of the show, it will come down to the survivors reuniting and having to defeat the re-grouping Initiative (as seen by the new DHARMA reality game) and ultimately learning their purpose and destiny - they are the incarnations of aliens and must return to the ship and leave to go home. Wouldn't an epic finale be the ship literally ripping itself from the island and blasting off into space... taking our favourite characters with it...
Theory by RH
I know that many of you fans refuse to accept that the secrets to LOST have anything to do with aliens, but I am starting to believe that they are the key to everything.
Let's look at the facts, one of the main intrigues of LOST is the power that comes from the island... both in terms of its unique properties and its ability to almost talk with its inhabitants.
My theory is that a long time ago an alien ship was visiting a volcano on Earth (I know this sounds alot like Scientology - but isn't the theme of the show science vs faith - the very makeup of this new religion!) If your not familiar with the beliefs of Scientology look it up on wikipedia. However, during its visit it crash landed - maybe the volcano erupted when the ship was close. Many of the aliens died and their souls - thetans (in Scientology) got scattered throughout the Earth and over time the ship was engulfed by growing forests and mountains.
Now if this is the case, this could be the reason that many of our characters seem to be incarnations of past people - Locke for example (see Cabin Fever). And maybe they need to all be on the island and are being called to come back because some of the aliens are still in the ship beneath the island calling the spirits back.
Also, this would explain the unique anti matter and electromagnetism - maybe these properties are key to powering an alien space ship. Can we honestly say an island can space/time travel (as seen in Season 4 finale), but an alien spaceship definitely can. Maybe when the engines are powered up - as done by Ben - the ship is sent through time and space, pulling the island with it. It would explain why the oldest and deepest discoveries on the island ie.frozen wheel, black smoke tunnel all contain ancient alien hieroglyphics!! Also, why would the center of the island be cold - maybe the subzero temperatures are needed for the engines.
Maybe the original inhabitants are alien survivors - Richard Alpert - could explain why he never ages!!
I believe that what we are seeing on LOST are the spirits of aliens trying to return to the island so that they can be reunited and attempt to go home. However, what got int he way...?
The DHARMA Initiative appeared and began to take advantage and experiment on the island, making life for the aliens difficult. A major experiment was the use of the unique exotic matter and electromagnetism to produce time travel and create a wormhole, making returning and leaving the island difficult.
I believe at the very end of the show, it will come down to the survivors reuniting and having to defeat the re-grouping Initiative (as seen by the new DHARMA reality game) and ultimately learning their purpose and destiny - they are the incarnations of aliens and must return to the ship and leave to go home. Wouldn't an epic finale be the ship literally ripping itself from the island and blasting off into space... taking our favourite characters with it...
Theory by RH