We all know that prenant women on the island die before their third trimester (about 6 months in at most). I have an idea about that considering the timing of the death of the women and the birth off-island of certain people (namely Ben and Locke). I was starting to kick this idea around on lost-theories.com when it was abruptly taken down. Oh well. Anyway, I hope this hasn't been discussed here already. If it has, just ignore me.
Anyway, I was thinking that the island might exist in a different timeline. I that's not a new theory but I think different timelines explains a few things. I think the island exists in a seperate timeline from the off-island world. This for some reason interferes with the births.
I'll focus specifically on two births. I think Ben and Locke, in the island timeline, were conceived on the island and their mothers died after about six months. Meanwhile, back at the farm in another timeline, each was born prematurely at the same time the mothers died on the island. The death of the mothers and children could be another form of course correction.
This could also explain claims of virgin births. The children are conceived by parents on the island and back in the off-island world the mother in that timeline becomes pregnant. The mother and child on the island are killed at a certain point in the development of the fetus and and the mother off-island gives birth.
This also explains how Richard and Horace knew when John Locke and Ben Linus were going to be born off island. They would have been able to track pregnancy on the island then leave and track down the mother. They would know about when she was going to die on the island and therefore when she was going to give birth off-island. That's how Horace just happened to be driving by when Ben was born and how Richard was able to be at the hospital to see young John Locke.
These children are the special ones. I'm not sure who else could be special this way... maybe Walt? Or Michael? Jack? Those who can't seem to die? Maybe Ben thought Alex was one of those special ones and that's why he was so shocked when she was killed...
Anyway, I'm sure there are tons of holes in this... just a thought. Let me know what you think!
Theory by highbrow
Anyway, I was thinking that the island might exist in a different timeline. I that's not a new theory but I think different timelines explains a few things. I think the island exists in a seperate timeline from the off-island world. This for some reason interferes with the births.
I'll focus specifically on two births. I think Ben and Locke, in the island timeline, were conceived on the island and their mothers died after about six months. Meanwhile, back at the farm in another timeline, each was born prematurely at the same time the mothers died on the island. The death of the mothers and children could be another form of course correction.
This could also explain claims of virgin births. The children are conceived by parents on the island and back in the off-island world the mother in that timeline becomes pregnant. The mother and child on the island are killed at a certain point in the development of the fetus and and the mother off-island gives birth.
This also explains how Richard and Horace knew when John Locke and Ben Linus were going to be born off island. They would have been able to track pregnancy on the island then leave and track down the mother. They would know about when she was going to die on the island and therefore when she was going to give birth off-island. That's how Horace just happened to be driving by when Ben was born and how Richard was able to be at the hospital to see young John Locke.
These children are the special ones. I'm not sure who else could be special this way... maybe Walt? Or Michael? Jack? Those who can't seem to die? Maybe Ben thought Alex was one of those special ones and that's why he was so shocked when she was killed...
Anyway, I'm sure there are tons of holes in this... just a thought. Let me know what you think!
Theory by highbrow