If you want to just read about Desmond read under this. if you want to read about the time travel part, go under a bit more and you will see where it is.
Desmond is the person who looking through the window, on the first episode of season 4. I have proof. But before we get to that. I'm Almost a 100% sure Desmond is Jacob. its him or jacks dad. Alright watch this video first. youtube.com/watch?v=8XxvON0jUos. Watch this video until the part with the eye. That is Desmond's eye as open as it can be. Now watch this video below.
youtube.com/watch?v=r3XAhI9kpYU Alright watch this and listen to when he says Help Me. That is apparently Jack's dad's voice. Now if you watch the video on season 4. youtube.com/watch?v=oQ0R5yKdWZ0. Now watch the eye it might not look like Desmond cause he has a different haircut and comes up with his eye wide open. But its the same eye as in season 3.
Now desmond and Jack's dad are both in the shack on season 3. But Locke can't see jack's dad. Jack's dad says help me. but Desmond is sitting in the chair. Alright i don't have A clip for this part, but When hurley is first going up to the shack, before the commercial break and when he sees jack's dad. If you listen REALLY well, you can hear the whispers say Desmond.
Alright the next thing that proofs that Desmond is the one inside the window. The producers of lost said that the person inside of jacob's cabin that pop near the window CAN BE IN TWO place at once. Just like how desmond was time traveling in episode 5. Now i don't have the awnsers of why it is him but i have plenty of proof.
Time travel
Apparently on episode 5 we learned a lot of stuff. The island is years in the past, i mean years. like 3 million bc or something. the current time off the island is Decemeber 24th 2004. Now In the present you can only enter the island through a certain way, Through a black hole or a warp hole. I'm gonna try to explain this as simple as possible. alright theres a certain way you can enter the island i will do a little drawing if what i mean
If you do not enter through this pipe you just keep going and you do not even see the island. the islands not even there in the present. Now when get to the island through the black hole or warp hole.You can only leave by going through the time whole, but you can go multiple ways in that time there are hundreds of warp holes ou can exit from, that take you to a different time. Like 1964 or something. and if you want to get back to the island you have to go on the bearing that take you to 1964.
Now basically what I'm saying is that you can time travel through the island. and Ben does that. Ben goes to the past with one of his colleges, and has him get on th freighter, making the people on the freighter not think of even having a spy. I think he worked with multiple people, like Jack's dad, the physic, the girl who forces Desmond to go to the island. and many other people. I even think that Lenny the crazy guy who says the numbers, was taken to the past to say that so Hurley would enter it in the lottery. soon sending him to the island.
I also think maybe this sounds kinda crazy, but i think ben went into the past go charlie convinced him to go talk to Hurley and tell him to go back to the island. i mean he looks completely different then before. we also find out that penny's dad got the journal of black rock. He is apparently behind the people on the freighter. Hes trying to kill ben and everyone else on the island.
Penny's dad wants to travel through time. i mean with time travel you can go into the past and win the lottery and do many other things that you can't do in real life. so off the island in the future, Sayid is trying to kill people working for penny's dad. Ben staged the plane crash in the water. He saw they were there and he apparently has the money to do this. hes filthy freaking rich.
There are so many unanswered question's still but i'm sure i'm right around here somewhere. And i'm pretty sure Ben really doesn't know about the black smoke. i'm thinking that maybe the Dharma made the black smoke to kill the hostiles. the hostiles also crashed there somehow. Oh i forget to mention this but Juliet was also brought to the island for the reason. I'm sure theres also a warp hole to the future, and ben knows whats going to happen.
anyways i hope you guys thought this was interesting. I'm tired night everyone.
Theory by valnn
Desmond is the person who looking through the window, on the first episode of season 4. I have proof. But before we get to that. I'm Almost a 100% sure Desmond is Jacob. its him or jacks dad. Alright watch this video first. youtube.com/watch?v=8XxvON0jUos. Watch this video until the part with the eye. That is Desmond's eye as open as it can be. Now watch this video below.
youtube.com/watch?v=r3XAhI9kpYU Alright watch this and listen to when he says Help Me. That is apparently Jack's dad's voice. Now if you watch the video on season 4. youtube.com/watch?v=oQ0R5yKdWZ0. Now watch the eye it might not look like Desmond cause he has a different haircut and comes up with his eye wide open. But its the same eye as in season 3.
Now desmond and Jack's dad are both in the shack on season 3. But Locke can't see jack's dad. Jack's dad says help me. but Desmond is sitting in the chair. Alright i don't have A clip for this part, but When hurley is first going up to the shack, before the commercial break and when he sees jack's dad. If you listen REALLY well, you can hear the whispers say Desmond.
Alright the next thing that proofs that Desmond is the one inside the window. The producers of lost said that the person inside of jacob's cabin that pop near the window CAN BE IN TWO place at once. Just like how desmond was time traveling in episode 5. Now i don't have the awnsers of why it is him but i have plenty of proof.
Time travel
Apparently on episode 5 we learned a lot of stuff. The island is years in the past, i mean years. like 3 million bc or something. the current time off the island is Decemeber 24th 2004. Now In the present you can only enter the island through a certain way, Through a black hole or a warp hole. I'm gonna try to explain this as simple as possible. alright theres a certain way you can enter the island i will do a little drawing if what i mean
If you do not enter through this pipe you just keep going and you do not even see the island. the islands not even there in the present. Now when get to the island through the black hole or warp hole.You can only leave by going through the time whole, but you can go multiple ways in that time there are hundreds of warp holes ou can exit from, that take you to a different time. Like 1964 or something. and if you want to get back to the island you have to go on the bearing that take you to 1964.
Now basically what I'm saying is that you can time travel through the island. and Ben does that. Ben goes to the past with one of his colleges, and has him get on th freighter, making the people on the freighter not think of even having a spy. I think he worked with multiple people, like Jack's dad, the physic, the girl who forces Desmond to go to the island. and many other people. I even think that Lenny the crazy guy who says the numbers, was taken to the past to say that so Hurley would enter it in the lottery. soon sending him to the island.
I also think maybe this sounds kinda crazy, but i think ben went into the past go charlie convinced him to go talk to Hurley and tell him to go back to the island. i mean he looks completely different then before. we also find out that penny's dad got the journal of black rock. He is apparently behind the people on the freighter. Hes trying to kill ben and everyone else on the island.
Penny's dad wants to travel through time. i mean with time travel you can go into the past and win the lottery and do many other things that you can't do in real life. so off the island in the future, Sayid is trying to kill people working for penny's dad. Ben staged the plane crash in the water. He saw they were there and he apparently has the money to do this. hes filthy freaking rich.
There are so many unanswered question's still but i'm sure i'm right around here somewhere. And i'm pretty sure Ben really doesn't know about the black smoke. i'm thinking that maybe the Dharma made the black smoke to kill the hostiles. the hostiles also crashed there somehow. Oh i forget to mention this but Juliet was also brought to the island for the reason. I'm sure theres also a warp hole to the future, and ben knows whats going to happen.
anyways i hope you guys thought this was interesting. I'm tired night everyone.
Theory by valnn