Now that we have confirmation that the island is existing in a slower time/space than the outside rest if the planet, this makes me think of possibly why pregnant women die. As fertilized cells divide and multiply in utero, they probably are doing so at the normal rate that it usually occurs off of LOST island. But when pregnancy happens on LOST island where time/space is slower, this creates a crisis in the pregnant female organism, of being unable to accommodate a fetus that is growing at a faster rate than in what the female organism is presently existing in. When a woman gets pregnant in the real world, her body knows how to handle an increased volume of blood/fluids during a normal pregnancy/gestation. But on LOST island, maybe her body is unable to do so, thus causing a crisis (heart failure?? due to too much fluid in her body?? hydramnios for the fetus?? any OB/GYNs out there want to chime in??). Also, I use pregnant female "organism" because I wonder if Hanso or DHARMA had done any sort of fertility or gestational experiments with other mammals (rabbits??).
Theory by Jana
Theory by Jana