The location of the island in the space-time continuum is largely irrelevant. But the present is probably the present.
It is "naturally" accessible via "natural" wormholes formed between the "island space" and geomagnetic hotspots around the earth.
- An example of a geomagnetic grid
- An approximation in the Swan
But where are these "hotspots" really? The center of their fields are typically found in deposits of basalt, on the ocean floor. That means the island space is simultaneously accessible from numerous locations on Earth, and most accessible far below sea level. If wormholes can be constructed to bridge not just space, but time, the island could be accessible from the future or past as well.
Wormholes... hmm, that seems to grant a lot of power to a theory, doesn't it?
Well, consider what we need to explain:
Jacob, the Black Rock in the middle of the jungle, Bunny 15, Cooper, possible dinosaur or whale bones, Desmond's "mind-trip," the anachronistic appearances of Ben's mother, teenage Walt, and a possibly ill-informed Penny, an island that can't be located until your instruments start spinning, a broadcast from probably the 1940's, weapons from WWII. . .
Wormholes could be the one answer to all of the mysteries.
Proposed Types of (Micro-)Wormholes:
(1) Technological -- These are created by DHARMA / Hanso / Mittelos / Widmore, etc. Without full knowledge, the best odds of accessing the island is by chasing down one or more of the access points and stimulating a wormhole or haphazardly being pulled through one ( e.g., Naomi). The DHARMA sub could initiate a connection between the island space and a hotspot (which are typically underwater).
(2) Psychic -- These allow projection from a hotspot to any location on the island, as well as remote viewing. Richard Malkin, Jacob, Walt, etc., etc., have developed this ability.
-- Walt can project himself. His age can vary simply because he is projecting backward or forward in time.
-- Richard Malkin can view the future and past of the island via this ability.
-- Jacob has rather shoddy projection ability compared to Walt. Yet, Jacob is also projecting from the past.
-- Desmond remotely established a temporary connection to his past self. One could imagine his past self viewing his future self on the island, or, conversely, his future self viewing his past self in the outside world. More likely than not, the incident in the Swan jump-started this "psychic" ability, which thus far has allowed future, unaided "future-viewing."
-- The whispers are remote viewers whose words pass, distorted, through psychic micro-wormholes.
(3) Natural and Large -- These occur spontaneously when the EM fluctuations are appropriate at one of the hotspots. They would bring in the Black Rock, Gale's balloon, Naomi's helicopter, Desmond's boat, Flight 815, Yemi's plane, etc., all at one of the hotspots. The appropriate EM activity is typically marked by lightning storms above sea level. Usually no shift in time occurs.
(4) Natural, Tiny, and Transient -- Temporary, super-micro wormholes are sustained whenever photons (light) are present near the center of a hotspot's field. That means whenever light is present near the ocean floor, above the basalt, each photon emitted from the light source creates a temporary super-micro wormhole between the ocean and the island space. In effect, the island is susceptible to "smoke" simultaneously from all of the hotspots. The wormholes, being photon-scale in size, do not permit water to pass, but do create a gravitational or electromagnetic force that allows the smoke to interact with matter in the island space.
-- This is Smokey. Activity involving light near any of the basalt will appear on the island as smoke, in the form of the cloud of underwater photons surrounding the source of the light, and the smoke will appear to drift with the current. The monster's first confirmed (non-boar) appearance was at the cockpit of the downed plane. That's the first place a sub or robot would be sent (both of which have hydraulic manipulator arms). Later on, he's typically in the form of a tiny deep sea robot taking pictures (as Naomi suggested) with a strobe.
-- At the fence was a giant squid with bioluminescent tentacles... A robot took pictures of Juliet and Kate in the jungle... I've beaten this to death elsewhere...
-- To those in subs or behind the view-finders, the Losties must be dead (as they're being viewed, though distorted and in a weird environment, at the bottom of the ocean).
So what's the story then?
The island is a bit mythical because it has historically been accessible through "mystical" locations (which are really hotspots) around the world, like Mayan sacrificial pools, etc., etc.
DHARMA is explained in the Sri Lanka Video.
Naomi's people (probably Mittlewerk, etc.) wish to exploit the island.
Ben and the Others want to prevent exploitation of the island. The ideal for their "tribe" is understanding and mastery of the "psychic" wormhole ability, which to them is better defined as magic than science.
Having effectively cheated death by being ripped out of the causal chain via the wormhole, if the Losties leave the island they're susceptible to course-correction back in "our world."
The Swan? The best explanation I've seen is here:
Theory by Mike
It is "naturally" accessible via "natural" wormholes formed between the "island space" and geomagnetic hotspots around the earth.
- An example of a geomagnetic grid
- An approximation in the Swan
But where are these "hotspots" really? The center of their fields are typically found in deposits of basalt, on the ocean floor. That means the island space is simultaneously accessible from numerous locations on Earth, and most accessible far below sea level. If wormholes can be constructed to bridge not just space, but time, the island could be accessible from the future or past as well.
Wormholes... hmm, that seems to grant a lot of power to a theory, doesn't it?
Well, consider what we need to explain:
Jacob, the Black Rock in the middle of the jungle, Bunny 15, Cooper, possible dinosaur or whale bones, Desmond's "mind-trip," the anachronistic appearances of Ben's mother, teenage Walt, and a possibly ill-informed Penny, an island that can't be located until your instruments start spinning, a broadcast from probably the 1940's, weapons from WWII. . .
Wormholes could be the one answer to all of the mysteries.
Proposed Types of (Micro-)Wormholes:
(1) Technological -- These are created by DHARMA / Hanso / Mittelos / Widmore, etc. Without full knowledge, the best odds of accessing the island is by chasing down one or more of the access points and stimulating a wormhole or haphazardly being pulled through one ( e.g., Naomi). The DHARMA sub could initiate a connection between the island space and a hotspot (which are typically underwater).
(2) Psychic -- These allow projection from a hotspot to any location on the island, as well as remote viewing. Richard Malkin, Jacob, Walt, etc., etc., have developed this ability.
-- Walt can project himself. His age can vary simply because he is projecting backward or forward in time.
-- Richard Malkin can view the future and past of the island via this ability.
-- Jacob has rather shoddy projection ability compared to Walt. Yet, Jacob is also projecting from the past.
-- Desmond remotely established a temporary connection to his past self. One could imagine his past self viewing his future self on the island, or, conversely, his future self viewing his past self in the outside world. More likely than not, the incident in the Swan jump-started this "psychic" ability, which thus far has allowed future, unaided "future-viewing."
-- The whispers are remote viewers whose words pass, distorted, through psychic micro-wormholes.
(3) Natural and Large -- These occur spontaneously when the EM fluctuations are appropriate at one of the hotspots. They would bring in the Black Rock, Gale's balloon, Naomi's helicopter, Desmond's boat, Flight 815, Yemi's plane, etc., all at one of the hotspots. The appropriate EM activity is typically marked by lightning storms above sea level. Usually no shift in time occurs.
(4) Natural, Tiny, and Transient -- Temporary, super-micro wormholes are sustained whenever photons (light) are present near the center of a hotspot's field. That means whenever light is present near the ocean floor, above the basalt, each photon emitted from the light source creates a temporary super-micro wormhole between the ocean and the island space. In effect, the island is susceptible to "smoke" simultaneously from all of the hotspots. The wormholes, being photon-scale in size, do not permit water to pass, but do create a gravitational or electromagnetic force that allows the smoke to interact with matter in the island space.
-- This is Smokey. Activity involving light near any of the basalt will appear on the island as smoke, in the form of the cloud of underwater photons surrounding the source of the light, and the smoke will appear to drift with the current. The monster's first confirmed (non-boar) appearance was at the cockpit of the downed plane. That's the first place a sub or robot would be sent (both of which have hydraulic manipulator arms). Later on, he's typically in the form of a tiny deep sea robot taking pictures (as Naomi suggested) with a strobe.
-- At the fence was a giant squid with bioluminescent tentacles... A robot took pictures of Juliet and Kate in the jungle... I've beaten this to death elsewhere...
-- To those in subs or behind the view-finders, the Losties must be dead (as they're being viewed, though distorted and in a weird environment, at the bottom of the ocean).
So what's the story then?
The island is a bit mythical because it has historically been accessible through "mystical" locations (which are really hotspots) around the world, like Mayan sacrificial pools, etc., etc.
DHARMA is explained in the Sri Lanka Video.
Naomi's people (probably Mittlewerk, etc.) wish to exploit the island.
Ben and the Others want to prevent exploitation of the island. The ideal for their "tribe" is understanding and mastery of the "psychic" wormhole ability, which to them is better defined as magic than science.
Having effectively cheated death by being ripped out of the causal chain via the wormhole, if the Losties leave the island they're susceptible to course-correction back in "our world."
The Swan? The best explanation I've seen is here:
Theory by Mike