Hello all, lately I've been talking with LoSTCoDe, and I've been able to come up with two new theories.
There purpose is to figure out who Jacob really is, and the second one is to explain Walt appearances to people. Here they are.
Theory of Jacob:
I think Jacob is either
1) A Dharma project that came out wrong. It could have been a human they brainwashed with there screen thing, and exposed to radiation and stuff, and maybe they some how manage to gave him telekinesis power. And at some point he would have lost it and manage to get away.
2) A former scientist at Dharma that was working on telekinesis and his work went wrong and he got those telekinesis powers.
Then maybe the Dharma people were afraid of him, and send him away on the island.
Either way he would have found the others or Richard Alpert and showed them (or him) his power and they would have been impressed.
This way he could have gain their trust and worship.
And after some time he would have organized "the purge" as a revenge against Dharma using Richard Alpert to manipulate the little Ben and the others (he could have observe Ben during his years at Dharma and see in him a good ally).
His revenge motives would be either
- The years of tortures, (if he was a project)
- The fact of being sent away by dharma (if he was a scientist)
Theory of Walt apparitions:
I'm going to try to explain why Walt appears to people to warn them or to help them.
I think Walt is a normal kid but is able to establish a "trust subconscious connection" with people.
Here is what I think.
Maybe Walt established some kind of connection with people who got close to him, like Locke or Shannon and the result of that connection would be that when those people need help, or end up in a dangerous situation, he would appear to them subconsciously to help or warn them.
If you think about it the moment where Walt appears it was always to help or to warn people. He says "shhh" to Shannon meaning that she should be quiet instead of screaming or she would get shot by Anna Lucia, he also appeared to lock telling him "DO NOT OPEN IT" to warn him about the Hatch, and also appeared when Locke was in the grave to help him telling him not to give up, and many other apparition were to help or warn people.
All those apparitions are made by people who feel close to Walt, subconsciously to warn or help themselves.
But Walt has nothing to do with those apparitions, I think those people feel safe seeing him, since he's the younger member of the 815er, he's the only one they can really trust, he's just a kid.
I have an idea about the tests the others could have done.
Ben says at one moment the sentence "we got more than we bargain for when Walt joined us".
The way he says that seems like they are finish doing test on him, and the tests results are very good, more than Ben expected.
I think we should be more focusing on the test they could have done on Walt, instead of seeing something mystical about that kid :-).
Bea Klugh (the afroamerican woman) asked all those questions to Micheal about Walt:
• "Are you his biological father?"
• "How old was Walt when he first started speaking?"
• "Did he have any illnesses growing up?"
• "Headaches? Fainting spells?"
"Did Walt ever appear in a place he wasn't supposed to be?"
Bea Klugh at one moment threat Walt to go back in “the room”
Here is a wild guess, I think “the room” contains stuff that have the goal to scare Walt a lot, and they hopping to make him appear to himself, to warn himself or help himself.
And maybe that’s what happened he helped himself to get out of the room after hours of being scared.
That’s why Ben was happy of this result, maybe because he was able to manipulate this subconscious power he as on people, to give it to himself.
This way Ben can also see Walt in case he needs help or need to be warned :).
That's my other theory.
Don't hesitate to comment on those two theories.
Theory by FREM
There purpose is to figure out who Jacob really is, and the second one is to explain Walt appearances to people. Here they are.
Theory of Jacob:
I think Jacob is either
1) A Dharma project that came out wrong. It could have been a human they brainwashed with there screen thing, and exposed to radiation and stuff, and maybe they some how manage to gave him telekinesis power. And at some point he would have lost it and manage to get away.
2) A former scientist at Dharma that was working on telekinesis and his work went wrong and he got those telekinesis powers.
Then maybe the Dharma people were afraid of him, and send him away on the island.
Either way he would have found the others or Richard Alpert and showed them (or him) his power and they would have been impressed.
This way he could have gain their trust and worship.
And after some time he would have organized "the purge" as a revenge against Dharma using Richard Alpert to manipulate the little Ben and the others (he could have observe Ben during his years at Dharma and see in him a good ally).
His revenge motives would be either
- The years of tortures, (if he was a project)
- The fact of being sent away by dharma (if he was a scientist)
Theory of Walt apparitions:
I'm going to try to explain why Walt appears to people to warn them or to help them.
I think Walt is a normal kid but is able to establish a "trust subconscious connection" with people.
Here is what I think.
Maybe Walt established some kind of connection with people who got close to him, like Locke or Shannon and the result of that connection would be that when those people need help, or end up in a dangerous situation, he would appear to them subconsciously to help or warn them.
If you think about it the moment where Walt appears it was always to help or to warn people. He says "shhh" to Shannon meaning that she should be quiet instead of screaming or she would get shot by Anna Lucia, he also appeared to lock telling him "DO NOT OPEN IT" to warn him about the Hatch, and also appeared when Locke was in the grave to help him telling him not to give up, and many other apparition were to help or warn people.
All those apparitions are made by people who feel close to Walt, subconsciously to warn or help themselves.
But Walt has nothing to do with those apparitions, I think those people feel safe seeing him, since he's the younger member of the 815er, he's the only one they can really trust, he's just a kid.
I have an idea about the tests the others could have done.
Ben says at one moment the sentence "we got more than we bargain for when Walt joined us".
The way he says that seems like they are finish doing test on him, and the tests results are very good, more than Ben expected.
I think we should be more focusing on the test they could have done on Walt, instead of seeing something mystical about that kid :-).
Bea Klugh (the afroamerican woman) asked all those questions to Micheal about Walt:
• "Are you his biological father?"
• "How old was Walt when he first started speaking?"
• "Did he have any illnesses growing up?"
• "Headaches? Fainting spells?"
"Did Walt ever appear in a place he wasn't supposed to be?"
Bea Klugh at one moment threat Walt to go back in “the room”
Here is a wild guess, I think “the room” contains stuff that have the goal to scare Walt a lot, and they hopping to make him appear to himself, to warn himself or help himself.
And maybe that’s what happened he helped himself to get out of the room after hours of being scared.
That’s why Ben was happy of this result, maybe because he was able to manipulate this subconscious power he as on people, to give it to himself.
This way Ben can also see Walt in case he needs help or need to be warned :).
That's my other theory.
Don't hesitate to comment on those two theories.
Theory by FREM