I have to say that I agree with a lot of Vozzek69's theory, I have one thing to add though. The Valenzetti Equation. DHARMA was using the equation to predict the end of the world and they were on a mission to stop the end from happening. Maybe the "Event" at the end of the series that Vozz mentions is the culmination of those numbers in the equation. I'll explain:
4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42: The product of said equation. The DHARMA Initiative stumbled across this equation and decided to do something about it. The Island is where they decided to do their research. Coincidence? They set up huge research stations on the Island that don't have any logical purpose. Were they created specifically for the Losties and the events that would occur when they crash on the island?
Also, DHARMA stopped production of Gary Troupe's book (The Valenzetti Equation) and bought up all existing copies. Why? What exactly is the equation, and why is it dangerous to release it? We'll find out by the end I'm sure.
I think the exact meaning behind each and every number will be revealed by the end of the series. The DHARMA Initiative stated that they needed to change just one of the numbers to prevent the end of the world right? Exactly what that change is may be what is needed to get the Losties out of their time loop.
If the "Event" is the culmination of Valentetti's Equation, what would DHARMA be willing to do to change it? Anything. Also, what if the Losties are sent back in time when the "Event" happens to try again.
Maybe we are watching is the final run, when the numbers (whatever they mean) are finally changed (season 6). The result being that the world does not end, explode, spin into black hole, etc.
Theory by Nick
4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42: The product of said equation. The DHARMA Initiative stumbled across this equation and decided to do something about it. The Island is where they decided to do their research. Coincidence? They set up huge research stations on the Island that don't have any logical purpose. Were they created specifically for the Losties and the events that would occur when they crash on the island?
Also, DHARMA stopped production of Gary Troupe's book (The Valenzetti Equation) and bought up all existing copies. Why? What exactly is the equation, and why is it dangerous to release it? We'll find out by the end I'm sure.
I think the exact meaning behind each and every number will be revealed by the end of the series. The DHARMA Initiative stated that they needed to change just one of the numbers to prevent the end of the world right? Exactly what that change is may be what is needed to get the Losties out of their time loop.
If the "Event" is the culmination of Valentetti's Equation, what would DHARMA be willing to do to change it? Anything. Also, what if the Losties are sent back in time when the "Event" happens to try again.
Maybe we are watching is the final run, when the numbers (whatever they mean) are finally changed (season 6). The result being that the world does not end, explode, spin into black hole, etc.
Theory by Nick