Disclaimer: Please keep in mind that this post was intended only to spark a conversation. I understand that there are many holes in the theory; heck, I don't even entirely believe it myself but thought it would be worthy of discussion.
According to the producers, there was something in the pilot missed by everyone or (or at the very least not discussed on any of the boards). I only noticed one thing in the pilot, which I've never seen mentioned by anyone on these boards...
When Claire consumes the sea urchin given to her by Jin, her baby immediately begins kicking as if it had been revived. If you remember, Claire previously made the statement that she had not felt her baby kick since the crash. We all know about the probable healing properties of the island and can assume that being inside of Claire, the baby's first contact with the island came in the form of the sea urchin Claire ingested. This conjecture leads me in the direction of a theory, albeit one with many potential holes...
What if contact with the island is what made the survival of the survivors possible? The "survivors" could have died in the plane crash only to be revived upon first contact with the island. Being revived from death could explain the dilation of Jack's pupils, shown in the opening scene, in a logical way. As far as Kate remembering the entire crash, it's possible that she was the only person who survived without any help from the island (which would be a far more realistic survival rate for that type of crash). I know some people are going to ask, "Why didn't everyone on the plane, who had contact with the island survive following the crash?" (I didn't say that this theory was flawless) one explanation could be what Locke would describe as "the island's will". One could theorize that the island chose who to revive and who to let die. Keep in mind this whole theory is based on what may be (but most likely is not, therefore nullifying the entire post, lol) the clue we missed in the pilot.
Thanks for listening to the inane ramblings of a lost fan with too much time on his hands. Hopefully this will spark some form of thought provoking discussion.
Theory by Skylon
According to the producers, there was something in the pilot missed by everyone or (or at the very least not discussed on any of the boards). I only noticed one thing in the pilot, which I've never seen mentioned by anyone on these boards...
When Claire consumes the sea urchin given to her by Jin, her baby immediately begins kicking as if it had been revived. If you remember, Claire previously made the statement that she had not felt her baby kick since the crash. We all know about the probable healing properties of the island and can assume that being inside of Claire, the baby's first contact with the island came in the form of the sea urchin Claire ingested. This conjecture leads me in the direction of a theory, albeit one with many potential holes...
What if contact with the island is what made the survival of the survivors possible? The "survivors" could have died in the plane crash only to be revived upon first contact with the island. Being revived from death could explain the dilation of Jack's pupils, shown in the opening scene, in a logical way. As far as Kate remembering the entire crash, it's possible that she was the only person who survived without any help from the island (which would be a far more realistic survival rate for that type of crash). I know some people are going to ask, "Why didn't everyone on the plane, who had contact with the island survive following the crash?" (I didn't say that this theory was flawless) one explanation could be what Locke would describe as "the island's will". One could theorize that the island chose who to revive and who to let die. Keep in mind this whole theory is based on what may be (but most likely is not, therefore nullifying the entire post, lol) the clue we missed in the pilot.
Thanks for listening to the inane ramblings of a lost fan with too much time on his hands. Hopefully this will spark some form of thought provoking discussion.
Theory by Skylon