LOST Theories - DarkUFO

Aaron is Jacob by monunh

I am the french guy who ve posted the big bang theory before!!
Im back to share with you who Jacob is, He is Aaron, he is not a god or an angel, just a man from a distant future who become timeless like Richard.

Three points to develop:
- They look like the same
- The importance of Aaron during 5 seasons
- A little theory which explain how Aaron became Jacob:

Aaron: Photo

Jacob: Photo

Two Blond and Blue eyes men/boy. It's important on Lost, I discovered in "The Lie" That Jones was Young Widmore and in Jughead that Ellie was Young Eloise.


Why Aaron is so important:

We understand why they insist on Aaron Birth and the need to protect the boy. It's explains why Richard Malkin is so afraid, and why Claire has to take the flight 815.
Then the “Aaron=Jacob theory” gives a second chance, to the useless episode ever (to me): 2.12 "Fire + Water".

Charlie has dreams, he wants to save the baby, and he has to baptize him. Then he ll go to heaven when he'll die... oh it's interesting because Jacob just die!!

Finally, we understand why Christian/MIB kidnaps Claire; it’s his mother's enemy! The baby is supposed to be off the island during his youth because WHH. At the same time, MIB want to make suffer young Jacob and take away from him an important thing for a kid: his mother's love.
It’s cruel because he makes suffer his enemy even if he is a child!!!
It's perfect for Darlton, They don't have to explain Jacob's youth...he already know it. It's good when we know that there are only 18 episodes left.
It's very smart because during past seasons, we ask ourselves, what's the use of Aaron, and at the same time: Who is Jacob???
He was just in front our eyes!!!!!!!!!!

2 characters become one! Season 6’ll tie everything up!!


What happened to Aaron then?

My Theory:
In 2030, He is looking for his mother and the place he is born (like Charlotte). With the help of older Walt who is looking for his dad, he wants to know what happened to him.
Walt and Aaron, use the Lampost Station with the help of a dying Widmore. So they use a plane to go to the island...They aren't lucky, the consequences are indeed impredictible, they arrived in -2500 B.C, The Island is inhabited by the Egyptian civilization, the considered Aaron as a god with his knowledge from the future. Aaron is called Jacob by them. He becomes timeless. It happens darker things to Walt... (I will post a theory on this).
The volcano of the island goes on and destroys all the Egyptians. The Tawaret Statue, The tunnels, the temple are the only thing left...

Jacob & MIB are now alone on the island, the 2 only people until 1850 and the Black Rock...

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