LOST Theories - DarkUFO

Who is the Third Entity? by Mystery Scribe

I love this site and this is one of my first. Please be kind. I’ll state that much of this is conjecture and simply my opinion on what could be. If you’re looking for a lot of evidence to back up this theory, I don’t have much. I’m just thinking out loud.

Kudos to PkmnTrainer for a great theory of the Third Entity, a woman. I whole-heartedly agree—and I have an idea of who that woman is/was.

I’ve always thought the “power structure” on the island was a trinity, though not in religious terms. There have been allusions to 3s—Mikhail’s chess program that was programmed by “three grand masters” and love triangles. I believe that either each of the Entities can summon the Smoke Monster to do their bidding or that Smokie is made up of three parts—one of each belonging to the Three Entities. After all, when Smokie hit the sonic fence, it broke into three parts. Sometimes it’s united in a common cause, other times, it’s not.

I think that the Third Entity served or ruled alongside Jacob and MIB with equal power and that they both loved her. I believe she was pregnant with a child (either Jacob’s or MIB’s). MIB couldn’t have her so he decided to destroy her child instead, thinking it was Jacob’s.

I think the Tawaret statue either honored her or belonged to her, whether she was a manifestation of Tawaret or whether this was just a symbol of woman, of fertility. The statue was destroyed, possibly by MIB or someone he controlled, destroying her chances to have the child. Or did it?

Did Jacob create the first loop to make sure that their child would survive? Was Annie that child who was born in a loop? The producers have said that Annie is very important to the story of Lost and we all know that Locke is very important. Could Locke be the child who was always important?

I think the theme of infertility is too important to the show (Claire and Sun’s pregnancies, the Others planning to kidnap all the possible pregnant women, Ben bringing Juliet to the island to fix the problem) to be just an unresolved subplot. Richard told Locke that Ben was obsessed with issues like fertility but that’s not what he should be concentrating on. Is that because Richard is with MIB and Ben is really on the Third Entity’s or Jacob’s side?

I think the issue of fertility will be paramount in the final season. And if there is a trinity structure to the island’s power brokers, who is the new third – Jake and Locke will fill two of the roles.

I’d love to hear your thoughts.

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