LOST Theories - DarkUFO

What Happened to Ilana by DaKlenke

For those of you who have read my previous five theories, this specific theory is NOT a continuation of that series. This theory is stand alone. Part six of those theories is coming, but for now, I think this will give something new and refreshing to talk about. As many others have said, I apologize if this theory has been stated elsewhere.

So since Ilana's flashback in "The Incident", many have wondered when exactly this specific flash occured and what exactly happened to Ilana to give her all those burns. Well I think that I have an answer to both of those questions.

I believe we were first introduced to Ilana without actually realizing it. In the Season 3 finale, we see what appears to be a Jack flashback. As it turned out, it was actually a Jack flash forward. In this flash forward, we see Jack attempt to commit suicide and the only reason he fails is because of a car accident that happens nearby.

Throughout the rest of the flashback, Jack seems exceptionally concerned about what happens to this woman, who is badly burned and whose first name is never actually mentioned. See where I am going with this yet?

I think that it was Ilana who was driving the car that wrecked and consequently saved Jack's life. She recieved bad burns from the car catching fire, and as far as continuity is concerned, it makes sense to see Ilana exist in this reality (see my other theories if that doesn't make sense) as we know she takes flight 316 to get back to the Island. The only thing that I cannot account for is Ilana's rapid recovery. The doctor in Jack's flash forward does mention that her recovery (the woman who wrecked the car) is going well and that the surgery also went better than expected. Still I would expect some residual scarring from this event and I can only assume that if Ilana is in fact this same woman, then Jacob must have had a hand in her recovery.

As we saw in Jacob's meeting with Locke, he can bring the dead back to life. Ben has also attributed the ability to cure cancer to Jacob. With that in mind, I don't think a little aesthetic healing is out of the question.

So in summation, I posit that it was Ilana who was driving the vehicle that prevented Jack from jumping off the bridge and that she recieved her burns from the ensuing fire that engulfed the car. Now my question is, who is the little boy that Ilana was driving with? Her son maybe? I suppose only time will tell.

Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed and for those of you who have followed my other five theories, part six is on the way. Thank you for your time and I look forward to your comments and insight into this matter.

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