The John Locke that was killed by Ben Linus and the man we call "Flocke" are the same man; the corpse dumped onto the sand by Ilana's team is NOT.
It's the exact opposite of what we've been lead to believe.
There are a number of different scenarios to offer that might help explain such a theory, I'll offer one below, but let me first say: My theory is NOT the text that follows this paragraph; my theory is right here: the man we call "Flocke" is the exact same man who was strangled by Ben, the exact same man we've been watching all along, and the corpse dumped onto the sand is NOT.
Theory based scenario: the original corpse of Locke time traveled along with Jack and company as flight 316 entered the island's sphere o' influence, and he was in fact resurrected in the 70's. He spent the ensuing 30 years "becoming one" with the island, or what he perceived to be the island, and in doing so "adopted" the energy behind the ideas of MIB, and, in essence, became like a vessel for those ideas. The corpse that Ilana's team empties onto the beach for Richard is actually the corpse of Alt Locke, the Locke we'll all see on flight 815 at the beginning of season 6.
Why would Ilana's team (or anyone for that matter) have access to Alt Locke? Jacob made it possible. Why would he do this? In a grand, complicated effort to defame or weaken the real Locke's position as leader of the others.