LOST Theories - DarkUFO

My theory is that the man in black who has took over lockes deceased body is infact the smoke monster.

1) When we first met Jacob in season 5 we also met the man in black and what i couldnt understand was why does this man hate Jacob so much? Jacob must of really screwed this guy over like by turning him into a smoke monster. Maybe the man in black is actually smokey taking over someones dead body and becoming them from one of Jacobs past experiments on the island 'it ends the same everytime'.
2)Why did all the dead characters (smokey pretending to be them) want everyone to go back to the island so much? So that Locke would die and that the man in black could convince Ben to kill jacob.
3) Only when Locke disapeared to get help did the smoke monster turn up to turn into Bens daughter to tell ben to do whatever Locke wanted e.g. kill jacob.
4) The man in black knew he couldnt kill jacob and wanted to find a loop hole thats why he couldnt kill Jacob in lockes body.
5) The smoke monster has been described as a security measure, maybe like Ariel in the tempest he has been forced to be under control of Jacob and therefore seeks revenge and his freedom.

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