LOST Theories - DarkUFO

Enter 7-7 by la Vigne

Season 3 episode 11. Location: The Flame

John Locke "starts to play another game of chess and achieves a mate in 2, which the computer erroneously claims is a checkmate. A video clip of Marvin Candle appears and says, "Manual override achieved. For pallet drop enter 2-4. For station up-link enter 3-2. For mainland communication enter 3-8." Locke enters 3-8. A new clip is called up saying "The satellite dish is inoperable. Communications are down. For sonar access enter 5-6." Locke enters 5-6. A new clip says, "Sonar is inoperable. Has there been an incursion on this station by the Hostiles? If so, enter 7-7." Locke's finger aims hovers over the 7 key when Mikhail puts a knife to his neck from behind, stopping him from typing the second 7."

Any relation to 19-77? Could this be the "flux-capacitor" of the island? I would think so. There is too much of a connection to disagree. Why would Mikhail threaten John from pressing the second '7' when he didn't care that John pressed '3-8'? Maybe because Mikhail knows what that computer actually does. What would this mean? Well, it would mean that the FDW/island is connected somehow to the computer system. You know that noise the smoke monster makes? Sound familiar to the sounds coming out of the computer room in the Swan? You be the judge.

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