LOST Theories - DarkUFO

Black and White, Ink and Paper by Fivestades

I’ve been thinking (ta da!) about Black and White and whether this could be related to ink and paper.

The island can move through time and people can leave and interact with the real world.

What would happen if Sawyer had been holding a copy of a Brief History of Time when he time skipped? Then left it in the 1500’s. If found by the right person, could that have dramatically changed the outcome of humanity?

Religion and Surveillance are both hot topics in Lost so, I’ll use religion and surveillance, God and Orwell to illustrate my point

.In the very distant future an organisation believes the world would be a better place if the population were less.....free willed.
.The organisation feel the only road to peace involves the implementation of a 1984 style surveillance system.
.The population refuses to let this become a reality.
.With time Travel a possibility, the organisation design a solution.
.The organisation travel back in time thousands of years.
.The organisation creates the the basis of myth and religion.
.People witness healing touches, monsters and apparent psychic phenomen.
.The people marvel at the events and stories.
.These events are comitted to paper. Text and Art.
.These events meme.
.Thousands of years pass.
.The people unknowingly develop an acceptance of an omnipotent all-seeing being at a deep cognitive level.
.The people become malleable, tailored and controllable.

Yes a long game but Jacob and MIB have shown us they have the capacity to scheme with this level of patience.

This is just an underlying thought I can’t quite wrap it up.

The Lost writers play homage to many many works of literature. I like the idea of time travelling texts like soldiers in a battle, If one future organisation influenced the Bible did another influence Charles Darwin and the Origin of species?


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