jacob and esau represent white and black, good and evil and they can shapeshift and take different forms of the deceased they also are the smoke monster , esau is the black smoke monster and jacob is the white one ( locke described the monster as beautiful and remember the monster flashing white when kate and juliet were tied together.)Jacob also took the form of christian shepard and led jack to the caves so the survivors could survive. now neither took walts form that was walts phsyic abilities and he tried to warn everyone such as shannon and sayid.
locke was the destined leader of the others esau has known that for a while in the season 1 finale he tried to take him in the smoke monster form to kill him and take his form and trick everyone just like in the incident however his plan was stopped by the dynamite. Remember how shocked locke was after and this was because he met jacobs smoke monster. Now this leads on to esaus plan he had formed and now in the incident succeeded by it. Esau some how took over jacobs cabin and when locke visited it esau knew he was a fool and believed in destiny, he said he represented jacob in the form of christian and said that locke needed to push the wheel this was to stop any others coming to the island ( remember esau in the opening scene of the incident saying that jacob lured people to the island.)
Then when the losties were jumping through time he told locke in the form of christian that he would have to die, and also in the incident he told richard to tell real locke in the form of locke to say he would have to die, this made sure that locke believed this was fate because richard is the islands "advisor". Locke died and came back to the island because of jack thats why esau said theyd have to come back because they would bring dead locke back. So bringing him back he shapeshifted in to locke and manipulated ben and killed jacob.
That isnt all in season 4 he took the form of christian lured claire away in an attempt to kill aaron just like jacob ,aaron can not be killed by esau for some reason. he then killed claire took her form and visited kate off island yes if jacob can leave the island why cant esau and said do not bring him back and this is because aaron is a threat he is the only one who can now defeat esau or fake locke. But however jacob knew that esau would find a loop hole and succeed in killing him thats why he didnt resist or anything but.. he has a plan he touched jin sun kate jack sawyer sayid and hurley because they are the gifted ones they will find a way to defeat esau and when jacob says they are coming he means the losites stuck in dharma time.
this is the end i hope you enjoyed my theory.
locke was the destined leader of the others esau has known that for a while in the season 1 finale he tried to take him in the smoke monster form to kill him and take his form and trick everyone just like in the incident however his plan was stopped by the dynamite. Remember how shocked locke was after and this was because he met jacobs smoke monster. Now this leads on to esaus plan he had formed and now in the incident succeeded by it. Esau some how took over jacobs cabin and when locke visited it esau knew he was a fool and believed in destiny, he said he represented jacob in the form of christian and said that locke needed to push the wheel this was to stop any others coming to the island ( remember esau in the opening scene of the incident saying that jacob lured people to the island.)
Then when the losties were jumping through time he told locke in the form of christian that he would have to die, and also in the incident he told richard to tell real locke in the form of locke to say he would have to die, this made sure that locke believed this was fate because richard is the islands "advisor". Locke died and came back to the island because of jack thats why esau said theyd have to come back because they would bring dead locke back. So bringing him back he shapeshifted in to locke and manipulated ben and killed jacob.
That isnt all in season 4 he took the form of christian lured claire away in an attempt to kill aaron just like jacob ,aaron can not be killed by esau for some reason. he then killed claire took her form and visited kate off island yes if jacob can leave the island why cant esau and said do not bring him back and this is because aaron is a threat he is the only one who can now defeat esau or fake locke. But however jacob knew that esau would find a loop hole and succeed in killing him thats why he didnt resist or anything but.. he has a plan he touched jin sun kate jack sawyer sayid and hurley because they are the gifted ones they will find a way to defeat esau and when jacob says they are coming he means the losites stuck in dharma time.
this is the end i hope you enjoyed my theory.