This is a bit of a lengthy one but it's worth a read, trust me.
So my initial reaction to the season finale was the all too familiar confusion. However, after rewatching it I started thinking and surprisingly, my thinking came to me a bit logically.
I'm just going to make a list (hopefully chronologically) and explain as I go.
1. In the first scene: Jacob (in white clothing) is the "good" guy essentially and Esau (courtesy of Al Trautwig) (in dark clothing) is the bad guy. Why? Because it brings us back to the original white and black, good and evil of season 1 and it makes sense to fit in with the rest of my theory. And, in the bible, Esau is the older furternal twin of Jacob who plots to him and his family.
We then see the statue of Sobek, a powerful Egyptian god believed to PROTECT people from crocodiles (hence why he is portrayed with a crocodile head). This is where Jacob lives and could easily be a human representation of him. And thus, the Egyptian god Anubis would be represented in human form by Esau or Not Jacob (I'll explain this a little later with some more evidence). But anyway, so Jacob is the protector of the island and/or protector of the people who come to the island making him good.
2. I'm not going to go into too much detail about this next part because simply there is not enough evidence (whether scientific or spiritual) to make an explicite explanation. So, I pretty much agree that Jacob somehow influences or subconciously makes the Losties go to the island by touching them. Done.
However, I do have to make two notes. In Sawyer's flash after Jacob gives him the pen that guy (his guardian) seems a little suspicious... whether he is some form of Not Jacob or what but making little Sawyer promise not to right a revengeful letter is kind of mean (in a way that prevents him from ever finding the real Sawyer until he gets to the island).
And, I believe Jacob DID cause Nadia's death (when she got hit by the car) because she would only impede Sayid from returning (and we all know it was necessary for him to do so).
3. Jacob's cabin: Or, rather, not Jacob's cabin. This is where my real theory comes into play. Personally, I don't think that cabin ever belonged to Jacob because we know Jacob lived in the base of the statue and still does in what's left of it. Who occupies it then? Not Jacob or Esau.
As referenced before, Esau is somehow connected with the Egyptian god Anubis (as is Jacob with Sobek). We saw in Dead is Dead the heiroglyphics of Anubis and what appeared to be Smokey. I believe Smokey is another form of Esau (hence the black) and somehow, that BLACK ash around Esau's cabin had somehow imprisoned/retrained him from killing Jacob. Way back in Season 3 when Locke and Ben visited the cabin it was Esau they were really visiting.
Now, I know this is not the best comparison but the casting was two years apart however if you look closely there is a bit of a resemblance:
Obviously, nothing like Jacob.
When who we thought was Jacob but was really Esau say "Help me" to Locke he meant help him kill Jacob. So, once John was convinced by Christian (a form of Smokey who is a form of Esau) to sacrifice himself, he did and now, Smokey or Esau is using John's body (essential John is helping him).
Now, even though Esau is using John's body, he still cannot kill Jacob (John's body is merely a diguise) though because he found his "loophole" (mentioned in the first scene and in the last scene with Jacob (how would John know abou the loophole)), literally the hole in the circle of ash Ilana found, something allows for Jacob to die. So, Esau in Dead is Dead took the form of Alex to scare the shit out of him and essentially listen to everything Esau says (but he just says Locke because that's the person who he will be disguised as). Now, Ben must listen to Locke (Esau) and kill Jacob (Ben needs a little more convincing so Locke aka Esau makes Ben really angry about why he's never seen Jacob and blah blah blah we all know Ben kills him).
4. I shall now attempt to explain the "sides" of the coming war.
Because Ilana, Bram, and the others are going to show Locke's dead body to Richard and explain to them what they're up against they are the good guys. They are showing them that who they thought was Locke is really not so obviously there is something evil going on. And because they burned Esau's cabin... well, they obviously don't like him :P
On their side is Richard's group (I'm guessing Richard is going to be pretty pissed when he finds out Jacob has been killed. How do I know Richard and Jacob are friends instead of Richard and Esau making Richard good instead of bad? Because he doesn't age thanks to Jacob - and yes, I do believe that because Jacob is dead? he will age and die.) Ben is still on Richard's side but Esau has manipulated him so for him to make the wrong choice and kill the good guy (yikes, he's probably going to be pissed too).
On the other side, who else but Widmore. Widmore, as we know, was banished (claimed because he had a daughter with an outsider - bull), he was banished for something else... possibly for coming under the influence of Esau and doing some evil deeds (which could explain his hostility toward Ben when he brought baby Alex back). Also, in biblical terms, when Esau wanted to kill his brother Jacob and family he hired a mercenary team (hm... sound familiar?) to go and kill him.
Apparently, I don't believe the Dharma Initiative have any side on this. They're just a bunch of hippies who can't resist the temptation of time travel. However it was clever for the writers to name Horace Goodspeed so just to prove to us that he is good and so are the rest of the DI (a possible "right under our noses" sort of reveal?) - Horace also came up in Jacob's tapastry of Horace's eye.
What the hell Frank's a canidate for, I have no idea... it could be anything the writers think up. I like the idea that I forget who had about the course correction of flight 316 since Frank was supposed to be the original pilot of 815 is great. And then the whole deal with the smoke monster eating him because he thought it was Frank. But that's one of the mysteries of Lost that I don't think we have enough sufficient information to prophecise about yet.
5. A quick tidbit here: When Jacob is stabbed and says "They're coming" I like the idea that it's the losties coming back when they blow up the bomb which leads me to...
6. The part you've all been waiting for. The part that left us hanging for nine months. I actually went into a day of silence because of that ending... the inverted colours of the lost logo at the end were what struck me most even then they were so simply. I do believe the losties are going to be sent forward into time where they belong, in 2007 along with Juliet (just because she was next to the bomb when it went off doesn't mean she doesn't get transported too, I'm sure it was a matter of mili-seconds before the blast hit Jack and them). From there Darlton will have to guide us the rest of the way.
So... I know it was probably the longest 6 parts to a theory ever but that's what I have to say... and I think it's pretty logical.
Who do I think will win in the end? Jacob and his supporters. Why? Because in the bible, Jacob shoots Esau with an arrow so good will prevail in the end. But Jacob's dead... I know but something tells me he can truly be dead unless killed by Esau... which he wasn't soo...
Ah... I know this keeps going on but one last thing I forgot to explain - why Ben took Locke to the cabin in the first place... I'm thinking Richard didn't ever tell Ben where Jacob really lived because he knew he wasn't the real leader. The last leader was and still is Eloise (she just can't get back to the island or for some reason was forced off, I'm not sure of that yet). So he just showed him some old cabin (whether or not he knows the significance I don't know) to satisfy him and keep him occupied.
That's it, I hope I didn't bore you but got your brain thinking for the next nine months. ^^
So my initial reaction to the season finale was the all too familiar confusion. However, after rewatching it I started thinking and surprisingly, my thinking came to me a bit logically.
I'm just going to make a list (hopefully chronologically) and explain as I go.
1. In the first scene: Jacob (in white clothing) is the "good" guy essentially and Esau (courtesy of Al Trautwig) (in dark clothing) is the bad guy. Why? Because it brings us back to the original white and black, good and evil of season 1 and it makes sense to fit in with the rest of my theory. And, in the bible, Esau is the older furternal twin of Jacob who plots to him and his family.
We then see the statue of Sobek, a powerful Egyptian god believed to PROTECT people from crocodiles (hence why he is portrayed with a crocodile head). This is where Jacob lives and could easily be a human representation of him. And thus, the Egyptian god Anubis would be represented in human form by Esau or Not Jacob (I'll explain this a little later with some more evidence). But anyway, so Jacob is the protector of the island and/or protector of the people who come to the island making him good.
2. I'm not going to go into too much detail about this next part because simply there is not enough evidence (whether scientific or spiritual) to make an explicite explanation. So, I pretty much agree that Jacob somehow influences or subconciously makes the Losties go to the island by touching them. Done.
However, I do have to make two notes. In Sawyer's flash after Jacob gives him the pen that guy (his guardian) seems a little suspicious... whether he is some form of Not Jacob or what but making little Sawyer promise not to right a revengeful letter is kind of mean (in a way that prevents him from ever finding the real Sawyer until he gets to the island).
And, I believe Jacob DID cause Nadia's death (when she got hit by the car) because she would only impede Sayid from returning (and we all know it was necessary for him to do so).
3. Jacob's cabin: Or, rather, not Jacob's cabin. This is where my real theory comes into play. Personally, I don't think that cabin ever belonged to Jacob because we know Jacob lived in the base of the statue and still does in what's left of it. Who occupies it then? Not Jacob or Esau.
As referenced before, Esau is somehow connected with the Egyptian god Anubis (as is Jacob with Sobek). We saw in Dead is Dead the heiroglyphics of Anubis and what appeared to be Smokey. I believe Smokey is another form of Esau (hence the black) and somehow, that BLACK ash around Esau's cabin had somehow imprisoned/retrained him from killing Jacob. Way back in Season 3 when Locke and Ben visited the cabin it was Esau they were really visiting.
Now, I know this is not the best comparison but the casting was two years apart however if you look closely there is a bit of a resemblance:
Obviously, nothing like Jacob.
When who we thought was Jacob but was really Esau say "Help me" to Locke he meant help him kill Jacob. So, once John was convinced by Christian (a form of Smokey who is a form of Esau) to sacrifice himself, he did and now, Smokey or Esau is using John's body (essential John is helping him).
Now, even though Esau is using John's body, he still cannot kill Jacob (John's body is merely a diguise) though because he found his "loophole" (mentioned in the first scene and in the last scene with Jacob (how would John know abou the loophole)), literally the hole in the circle of ash Ilana found, something allows for Jacob to die. So, Esau in Dead is Dead took the form of Alex to scare the shit out of him and essentially listen to everything Esau says (but he just says Locke because that's the person who he will be disguised as). Now, Ben must listen to Locke (Esau) and kill Jacob (Ben needs a little more convincing so Locke aka Esau makes Ben really angry about why he's never seen Jacob and blah blah blah we all know Ben kills him).
4. I shall now attempt to explain the "sides" of the coming war.
Because Ilana, Bram, and the others are going to show Locke's dead body to Richard and explain to them what they're up against they are the good guys. They are showing them that who they thought was Locke is really not so obviously there is something evil going on. And because they burned Esau's cabin... well, they obviously don't like him :P
On their side is Richard's group (I'm guessing Richard is going to be pretty pissed when he finds out Jacob has been killed. How do I know Richard and Jacob are friends instead of Richard and Esau making Richard good instead of bad? Because he doesn't age thanks to Jacob - and yes, I do believe that because Jacob is dead? he will age and die.) Ben is still on Richard's side but Esau has manipulated him so for him to make the wrong choice and kill the good guy (yikes, he's probably going to be pissed too).
On the other side, who else but Widmore. Widmore, as we know, was banished (claimed because he had a daughter with an outsider - bull), he was banished for something else... possibly for coming under the influence of Esau and doing some evil deeds (which could explain his hostility toward Ben when he brought baby Alex back). Also, in biblical terms, when Esau wanted to kill his brother Jacob and family he hired a mercenary team (hm... sound familiar?) to go and kill him.
Apparently, I don't believe the Dharma Initiative have any side on this. They're just a bunch of hippies who can't resist the temptation of time travel. However it was clever for the writers to name Horace Goodspeed so just to prove to us that he is good and so are the rest of the DI (a possible "right under our noses" sort of reveal?) - Horace also came up in Jacob's tapastry of Horace's eye.
What the hell Frank's a canidate for, I have no idea... it could be anything the writers think up. I like the idea that I forget who had about the course correction of flight 316 since Frank was supposed to be the original pilot of 815 is great. And then the whole deal with the smoke monster eating him because he thought it was Frank. But that's one of the mysteries of Lost that I don't think we have enough sufficient information to prophecise about yet.
5. A quick tidbit here: When Jacob is stabbed and says "They're coming" I like the idea that it's the losties coming back when they blow up the bomb which leads me to...
6. The part you've all been waiting for. The part that left us hanging for nine months. I actually went into a day of silence because of that ending... the inverted colours of the lost logo at the end were what struck me most even then they were so simply. I do believe the losties are going to be sent forward into time where they belong, in 2007 along with Juliet (just because she was next to the bomb when it went off doesn't mean she doesn't get transported too, I'm sure it was a matter of mili-seconds before the blast hit Jack and them). From there Darlton will have to guide us the rest of the way.
So... I know it was probably the longest 6 parts to a theory ever but that's what I have to say... and I think it's pretty logical.
Who do I think will win in the end? Jacob and his supporters. Why? Because in the bible, Jacob shoots Esau with an arrow so good will prevail in the end. But Jacob's dead... I know but something tells me he can truly be dead unless killed by Esau... which he wasn't soo...
Ah... I know this keeps going on but one last thing I forgot to explain - why Ben took Locke to the cabin in the first place... I'm thinking Richard didn't ever tell Ben where Jacob really lived because he knew he wasn't the real leader. The last leader was and still is Eloise (she just can't get back to the island or for some reason was forced off, I'm not sure of that yet). So he just showed him some old cabin (whether or not he knows the significance I don't know) to satisfy him and keep him occupied.
That's it, I hope I didn't bore you but got your brain thinking for the next nine months. ^^