I think the man in black has been imprisoned in "Jacob's" cabin for a very long time. When Ben and Locke first made their trip to the cabin, Locke heard "Help me". I believe that was the beginning of MIB implementing his plan to take over Locke's body. Then we see Christian telling Locke what to do in "Cabin Fever" saying he speaks in Jacob's behalf, probably a lie. He is probably speaking for MIB, and setting into motion the events to get Locke off the island so Ben can kill him off island in the future, thus inhabiting his body when it returns. Why Claire was there I don't understand. Christian also tells him he has to die, how convenient. Also Christian tells Sun and Lapidus to wait in Dharmaville for John Locke. I'd have to rewatch a lot of episodes to look for more clues but these are what I remember right now. Feel free to look into this angle and elaborate.
I think Aaron will be brought back somehow, for some reason I think that he is or will become or is related to, Jacob. Walt is or will become or is related to MIB? White and Black?
I think Aaron will be brought back somehow, for some reason I think that he is or will become or is related to, Jacob. Walt is or will become or is related to MIB? White and Black?