It always seems like Ben knows what will happen or has "a plan". I have a theory on how this occurred. It involves the temple and our favorite security system...
First off, Richard told Kate & Sawyer that Ben wouldn't be the same and he wouldn't remember anything. I think that Ben may be resurrected in a way.
Now comes the part where he knows what happens. In order to be saved, there will be a ritual of sorts that will involve the Smoke Monster, during this ritual Ben will be scanned like we have seen Smokey do in the past, but this scan will reveal Ben's whole life in flashes. He will have a guidebook of sorts that will show him the outcome of every situation.
This will lead Ben to have insight on the big picture. Of course there will be little things that come along that he won't know about. But for the most part he will know major events before they happen. He probably had a vision of Alex that should would be much older and wouldn't be killed by Keamey.
I think that something similar happened to Locke when he first ran into the Smoke Monster, except Locke only had a glimpse, whereas Ben's exposure to Smokey was way more profound, and they became linked in sorts. Remember Locke Told Jack to let him go when Smokey was pulling him into the Cerberus Vent. Plus Locke told Jack when Jack called the Freighter, "You're not suppose to do this Jack"
So, this brings the question, what changed to affect the future that Ben saw flashed to him?
My thought is that Desmond wasn't suppose to save Charlie, and that Charlie would have not turned off the jamming signal, hence no freighter. The Widmore Camp wanted Desmond to save Charlie so that the Mercanaries made it to the island. The Ben Camp didn't want to have Charlie turn off the signal. Course Correction came too late, and Charlie shut off the signal.
I am also thinking that maybe some of Smokey's attacks have been from Ben's control... Theory by 1Miletogo
First off, Richard told Kate & Sawyer that Ben wouldn't be the same and he wouldn't remember anything. I think that Ben may be resurrected in a way.
Now comes the part where he knows what happens. In order to be saved, there will be a ritual of sorts that will involve the Smoke Monster, during this ritual Ben will be scanned like we have seen Smokey do in the past, but this scan will reveal Ben's whole life in flashes. He will have a guidebook of sorts that will show him the outcome of every situation.
This will lead Ben to have insight on the big picture. Of course there will be little things that come along that he won't know about. But for the most part he will know major events before they happen. He probably had a vision of Alex that should would be much older and wouldn't be killed by Keamey.
I think that something similar happened to Locke when he first ran into the Smoke Monster, except Locke only had a glimpse, whereas Ben's exposure to Smokey was way more profound, and they became linked in sorts. Remember Locke Told Jack to let him go when Smokey was pulling him into the Cerberus Vent. Plus Locke told Jack when Jack called the Freighter, "You're not suppose to do this Jack"
So, this brings the question, what changed to affect the future that Ben saw flashed to him?
My thought is that Desmond wasn't suppose to save Charlie, and that Charlie would have not turned off the jamming signal, hence no freighter. The Widmore Camp wanted Desmond to save Charlie so that the Mercanaries made it to the island. The Ben Camp didn't want to have Charlie turn off the signal. Course Correction came too late, and Charlie shut off the signal.
I am also thinking that maybe some of Smokey's attacks have been from Ben's control... Theory by 1Miletogo