I know no spoilers so if this turns out to be true, I would like credit unless someone already thought of it of course
First part of the theory I have to credit Big-O from his Cranky Fanatic podcast with. I was listening to his show after the Flashes Before Your Eyes episode and he said basically that maybe the failsafe key was a chance to start over. Maybe the failsafe idea was that if the hatch was in system failure, you turn the failsafe key before the world ends, and whoever turns that key goes back in their timeline to re-live certain critical moments of their life. Now my additions: it’s a chance to make certain decisions all over again, and avoid the instance where the system failure occurred, or the events that lead up to that instance. That’s part of the reason why Mrs. Hawking told Desmond that going to the island was his path: because we are learning now that you can’t change the past. So the circle continues, as we are starting to see now. Desmond’s fate is to go to the island, turn the key, and Dharma put this nifty little failsafe mechanism in there that is making him t! o it all over again.
While I was thinking about the hatch, I wondered about that “quarantine” on the hatch door, why Radzinsky is so upset over it, and why the purge didn’t get to Radzinsky. Assuming that the Losties always went back in time and did these things, we know that someone tells Chang (we all presume Faraday did) that there will be a purge and they cannot stop it. Radzinsky is in the middle of designing this facility that began as a place to do electromagnetic experiments, but Chang hears about the purge and tells him to make it an underground facility hidden from the Hostiles. Changs thought is that they have one station hidden so that whatever it is they are doing with that button to avoid another “incident” continues regardless of the purge. Maybe that’s why Radzinsky is so upset about this one station being found out by one of the Hostiles. They put Radzinsky himself in there because he designed the system and maybe to assure that the less people that know about it, t! he better. They paint “quarantine” on the door from the inside to assure no one exits when there may be poisonous gas outside. And give them gas masks to protect them if they do have to exit. It’s safe to say Chang just knows there will be a purge, not necessarily the exact day/moment it will happen and may not know how long the gas hangs around. I know that jughead bomb and the electromagnetic energy factors into the details of this somewhere, but my brain can’t handle much more analyzing right now.
For those like myself that look for bullet points in theories:
• Failsafe = chance to do it all over differently
• Quarantine and underground facility was a result of Chang finding out about the purge
P.S. I think the reason why the Others had the Pearl station yet didn’t know a lot about the hatch was because they could see the video feed but couldn’t find the station. Theory by Dani
First part of the theory I have to credit Big-O from his Cranky Fanatic podcast with. I was listening to his show after the Flashes Before Your Eyes episode and he said basically that maybe the failsafe key was a chance to start over. Maybe the failsafe idea was that if the hatch was in system failure, you turn the failsafe key before the world ends, and whoever turns that key goes back in their timeline to re-live certain critical moments of their life. Now my additions: it’s a chance to make certain decisions all over again, and avoid the instance where the system failure occurred, or the events that lead up to that instance. That’s part of the reason why Mrs. Hawking told Desmond that going to the island was his path: because we are learning now that you can’t change the past. So the circle continues, as we are starting to see now. Desmond’s fate is to go to the island, turn the key, and Dharma put this nifty little failsafe mechanism in there that is making him t! o it all over again.
While I was thinking about the hatch, I wondered about that “quarantine” on the hatch door, why Radzinsky is so upset over it, and why the purge didn’t get to Radzinsky. Assuming that the Losties always went back in time and did these things, we know that someone tells Chang (we all presume Faraday did) that there will be a purge and they cannot stop it. Radzinsky is in the middle of designing this facility that began as a place to do electromagnetic experiments, but Chang hears about the purge and tells him to make it an underground facility hidden from the Hostiles. Changs thought is that they have one station hidden so that whatever it is they are doing with that button to avoid another “incident” continues regardless of the purge. Maybe that’s why Radzinsky is so upset about this one station being found out by one of the Hostiles. They put Radzinsky himself in there because he designed the system and maybe to assure that the less people that know about it, t! he better. They paint “quarantine” on the door from the inside to assure no one exits when there may be poisonous gas outside. And give them gas masks to protect them if they do have to exit. It’s safe to say Chang just knows there will be a purge, not necessarily the exact day/moment it will happen and may not know how long the gas hangs around. I know that jughead bomb and the electromagnetic energy factors into the details of this somewhere, but my brain can’t handle much more analyzing right now.
For those like myself that look for bullet points in theories:
• Failsafe = chance to do it all over differently
• Quarantine and underground facility was a result of Chang finding out about the purge
P.S. I think the reason why the Others had the Pearl station yet didn’t know a lot about the hatch was because they could see the video feed but couldn’t find the station. Theory by Dani