If this has been discussed before sorry.
Flight 815 leaves Sydney at 2:15pm local time flies 6hrs toward Los Angeles. It is now 8:15pm Sydney time. They have radio trouble and turn back toward Fiji. They fly for another 2 hrous and crash. At the time of the crash it was 10:15pm Sydney time. They crash roughly 1 to 2 times zones from Sydney. So why was it daylight when they crashed. The simple answer is they time jumped right from the beginning. If any of this is wrong please let me know.
From season 2 we know that several people were taken. They were on lists. They were said to be "good people". If we assume they are time jumping like the rest of the 815 survivors then they are still on the island, but not with DHARMA. They were taken because in 1977 they became Hostiles. They were taken in 2004 to be trained in the ways and customs of the Hostiles. Very much like when Richard gave Locke the compass, the "taken ones" were given knowledge of the others so Richard would except them. This is why Cindy told Jack they were there to watch Juliet's trial, it was information they needed. There were also taken so they wouldnt wonder the island and possibly run into themselves. For this reason i believe that Jack, Kate, and Sawyer were taken to the Hydra. Ben took them to the Hydra to keep them from coming across older versions of themselves. Ben didnt need Hugo or Sayid because unfortunately they will die before 2004. He also thought Jin would be dead. ! He seemed very surprised when Locke told him that Jin was alive. If Ricard heals Little Ben and Little Ben forgets everything like Richard said, and Little Ben doesnt see Jin before Jin leaves Dharma then Big Ben would have no reason to believe that Jin lived through the explosion from the freighter. Theory by bostonsteamer2000
Flight 815 leaves Sydney at 2:15pm local time flies 6hrs toward Los Angeles. It is now 8:15pm Sydney time. They have radio trouble and turn back toward Fiji. They fly for another 2 hrous and crash. At the time of the crash it was 10:15pm Sydney time. They crash roughly 1 to 2 times zones from Sydney. So why was it daylight when they crashed. The simple answer is they time jumped right from the beginning. If any of this is wrong please let me know.
From season 2 we know that several people were taken. They were on lists. They were said to be "good people". If we assume they are time jumping like the rest of the 815 survivors then they are still on the island, but not with DHARMA. They were taken because in 1977 they became Hostiles. They were taken in 2004 to be trained in the ways and customs of the Hostiles. Very much like when Richard gave Locke the compass, the "taken ones" were given knowledge of the others so Richard would except them. This is why Cindy told Jack they were there to watch Juliet's trial, it was information they needed. There were also taken so they wouldnt wonder the island and possibly run into themselves. For this reason i believe that Jack, Kate, and Sawyer were taken to the Hydra. Ben took them to the Hydra to keep them from coming across older versions of themselves. Ben didnt need Hugo or Sayid because unfortunately they will die before 2004. He also thought Jin would be dead. ! He seemed very surprised when Locke told him that Jin was alive. If Ricard heals Little Ben and Little Ben forgets everything like Richard said, and Little Ben doesnt see Jin before Jin leaves Dharma then Big Ben would have no reason to believe that Jin lived through the explosion from the freighter. Theory by bostonsteamer2000