Ok so I have been watching the first season of lost over again and this may or may not be the case depending on how thought out the writers have been. Purhaps every new season has been new ideas just added on to another but if the writes really new the directions they were going to go in season five then maybe christian is a mixture of jack and locke, this is in the sense that he had been on the island before and his whole drinking problem was him going down the same path that jack took once he got off the island and relialized it wasnt what he wanted. I think he needed to go back to the island and him dying in australia was him doing what he had to get back to the island. sound familiar, locke had to die to get back so maybe christian was the first person who had to do that, and thats why richard told john he was going to have to die. Christian was brought back to life on the island, and even though we dont! ever get a sense of if he is just an image of the island presenting itself or if he really is alive. but i think he really is alive because clair was alive and she was with him, unless clair is weird like that and like just being around a representation of the island that looks like her dad. im thinking maybe when the show ends it will suprise us and show how he bacame so important. and i think that claire needed to go with him because she is to young she would exist in 1977 and sun as well thats why their roles in 1977 are absent. As for the bodies found in the by the cave in the first couple epsidos maybe it claire and her father or who knows, i think these questions will be the finale lost moments we get to see before the show ends. Theory by Dustin