Some say that people can see flashes of the future, and we are clearly watching a show that thrives on the supernatural powers of this Island, and Jacob the mysterious evader that tells Ben & or Locke what to do.
Our islanders have come to a crossroads where soon they will have to make a decision of should I go or should I stay….
Now, Desmond has flashes of the future, and Jacob has powers beyond Desmond so what if:
First of all our survivors up to now have become what they don’t want to become: A drunk, a Nut case, an assassin for the man he said “the day I trust him is the day I would have sold my soul” and last but not least Kate that up till now in the FF got off from jail but cant run anymore a woman that as long as we have known her cant stay put for more than two days, and has the responsibility of a child, probably out of guilt for something that happened.
So in all these FF they have become their own worst nightmare!
To me all these FF are glimpses of the future that will be shown to them when the time to leave comes ether by Jacob, Smokey or at the moment they are trying to cross “the barrier” between the island and the outside world. Giving them a last opportunity, stay and don’t become a drunk, a Nutcase a killer or trapped without being able to move and on top of it all making the world believe that you are the mother of a child that is not yours.
On another note I think future Jack cant cope with Aaron because when they were leaving he forced Claire to come and something happened (probably died) making him feel guilty and not being able to face the child, his nephew. Because that is definitely not Sawyer’s baby he is too old.
Theory by Pali
Our islanders have come to a crossroads where soon they will have to make a decision of should I go or should I stay….
Now, Desmond has flashes of the future, and Jacob has powers beyond Desmond so what if:
First of all our survivors up to now have become what they don’t want to become: A drunk, a Nut case, an assassin for the man he said “the day I trust him is the day I would have sold my soul” and last but not least Kate that up till now in the FF got off from jail but cant run anymore a woman that as long as we have known her cant stay put for more than two days, and has the responsibility of a child, probably out of guilt for something that happened.
So in all these FF they have become their own worst nightmare!
To me all these FF are glimpses of the future that will be shown to them when the time to leave comes ether by Jacob, Smokey or at the moment they are trying to cross “the barrier” between the island and the outside world. Giving them a last opportunity, stay and don’t become a drunk, a Nutcase a killer or trapped without being able to move and on top of it all making the world believe that you are the mother of a child that is not yours.
On another note I think future Jack cant cope with Aaron because when they were leaving he forced Claire to come and something happened (probably died) making him feel guilty and not being able to face the child, his nephew. Because that is definitely not Sawyer’s baby he is too old.
Theory by Pali