I think I know how LOST is going to end......
Try to stay with me now!
I think the very last scenes in LOST are going to go a little something like this..... The last of the scenes of the show will be of Ben leaving the island though the sub,magic box, which ever portal he chooses to use. Next shot shoots over to an office/laboratory. Where we see Vincent! he is sitting next to a man.. The man appears to be covering something with his hands. Slowly the camera zooms out! The man is faced froward with his back towards us! At first it's a little to dark to see who the man actually is. Then he turns his desk lamp on! It's revealed to be Ben!(it's a little shocking at first since he's wearing a lab coat). Ben gets up and walks away with his classic smirk from ear to ear. Just as he passes the camera, a close up shot of a snow globe of the island is revealed! Ben has figured out a way to create his own world! Ben is a God! A mad scientist of sorts! He was never actually physically ever on the island! He only appeared to be there to the island folk! Smokey is also Ben! THe End!
Hope you enjoyed!
Just to fill in a little of the blanks..
-Desmond somehow was able to sail to end of the "snow globe" Hence the reason he was yelling "WE'RE IN A BLOODY SNOW GLOBE"
-Jack's Dad, Dead Charlie, Kate's horse, Sears "The Tower" Walt, etc.. All were Ben/Smokey
-Everyone else on the island are real people who Ben hand picked to kid nap and place in his world for one reason or another!
-Jacob was also Ben in his purest form! When Ben's powers would get weak, the cabin could be reveled to certain individuals on the Island!
-The Oceanic Six All really got off the snow globe Island, but wanted to find a way back to it so they could recuse their friends.
-Ben conned Sayid into working as a hit man for him. Killing off everyone who worked on the project with him.
The name of his Planet!
-Ben is a "Jumper" yeah like the movie! He still has big bugged out eyes in the future too!
-Richard Albert is still a closet homo who likes to wear mascara!
-It's Faster to travel to the Island then it is to travel off of it!
-If you die on the Island you die in real life! Just like the Matrix!
Don't get killed while connected!
-Hurley is released early from the mental hospital for good behavior. He is now living in New York City where he enters and WINS (not considered a spoiler)The Nathan's New Year's hot dog eating contest in Brooklyn! First prize was a lifetime supply of Ho Ho's!
It drives him insane and he asks to go back in the mental hospital.
-Penny was just a figment of Desmond's imagination! He made her up in his head to cope with what he knew!
-Kate has a 4way with Jack, Sawyer and Juliet swapping partners. fulfilling a fantasy of all of theirs!
-Michael ends up killing Jin and taking Sun and her child to live in Mexico! They have another kid so Michael can forget about Walt again!
-Sears "The Tower" Walt ends up trapped in the bloody snow globe forever!
-Locke and Rose get married after Locke kills Bernard for trying to take his place as Rambo!
-Clare & Arron reunite and now live in Africa with Sayid! After they got of the island (snow globe) they saw Angelina Jolie and Brad Pit on tv and have now adopted 5 kids together and are living happily ever after!
Last but certainly not least....
-Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cruise
are still brainstorming over how to end the show!(writers block)
They keep trying to call JJ Abrams but he wont answer his phone! After all, it was his name all over the movie CLOVERFIELD! He can't end lost!
I don't want to see a bunch of rocks falling on someone at the end of lost! I would rather assume my cable company shut me off for not paying the cable bill on time.. Leaving me with just me and my blank tv screen!
Theory by WNGYPSY
Try to stay with me now!
I think the very last scenes in LOST are going to go a little something like this..... The last of the scenes of the show will be of Ben leaving the island though the sub,magic box, which ever portal he chooses to use. Next shot shoots over to an office/laboratory. Where we see Vincent! he is sitting next to a man.. The man appears to be covering something with his hands. Slowly the camera zooms out! The man is faced froward with his back towards us! At first it's a little to dark to see who the man actually is. Then he turns his desk lamp on! It's revealed to be Ben!(it's a little shocking at first since he's wearing a lab coat). Ben gets up and walks away with his classic smirk from ear to ear. Just as he passes the camera, a close up shot of a snow globe of the island is revealed! Ben has figured out a way to create his own world! Ben is a God! A mad scientist of sorts! He was never actually physically ever on the island! He only appeared to be there to the island folk! Smokey is also Ben! THe End!
Hope you enjoyed!
Just to fill in a little of the blanks..
-Desmond somehow was able to sail to end of the "snow globe" Hence the reason he was yelling "WE'RE IN A BLOODY SNOW GLOBE"
-Jack's Dad, Dead Charlie, Kate's horse, Sears "The Tower" Walt, etc.. All were Ben/Smokey
-Everyone else on the island are real people who Ben hand picked to kid nap and place in his world for one reason or another!
-Jacob was also Ben in his purest form! When Ben's powers would get weak, the cabin could be reveled to certain individuals on the Island!
-The Oceanic Six All really got off the snow globe Island, but wanted to find a way back to it so they could recuse their friends.
-Ben conned Sayid into working as a hit man for him. Killing off everyone who worked on the project with him.
The name of his Planet!
-Ben is a "Jumper" yeah like the movie! He still has big bugged out eyes in the future too!
-Richard Albert is still a closet homo who likes to wear mascara!
-It's Faster to travel to the Island then it is to travel off of it!
-If you die on the Island you die in real life! Just like the Matrix!
Don't get killed while connected!
-Hurley is released early from the mental hospital for good behavior. He is now living in New York City where he enters and WINS (not considered a spoiler)The Nathan's New Year's hot dog eating contest in Brooklyn! First prize was a lifetime supply of Ho Ho's!
It drives him insane and he asks to go back in the mental hospital.
-Penny was just a figment of Desmond's imagination! He made her up in his head to cope with what he knew!
-Kate has a 4way with Jack, Sawyer and Juliet swapping partners. fulfilling a fantasy of all of theirs!
-Michael ends up killing Jin and taking Sun and her child to live in Mexico! They have another kid so Michael can forget about Walt again!
-Sears "The Tower" Walt ends up trapped in the bloody snow globe forever!
-Locke and Rose get married after Locke kills Bernard for trying to take his place as Rambo!
-Clare & Arron reunite and now live in Africa with Sayid! After they got of the island (snow globe) they saw Angelina Jolie and Brad Pit on tv and have now adopted 5 kids together and are living happily ever after!
Last but certainly not least....
-Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cruise
are still brainstorming over how to end the show!(writers block)
They keep trying to call JJ Abrams but he wont answer his phone! After all, it was his name all over the movie CLOVERFIELD! He can't end lost!
I don't want to see a bunch of rocks falling on someone at the end of lost! I would rather assume my cable company shut me off for not paying the cable bill on time.. Leaving me with just me and my blank tv screen!
Theory by WNGYPSY