Well i think its an intresting topic. I think the part of her dropping out of med school is true but to become a psychologist for Dharma. They said at comicon that Libby being with Dharma wasnt "barking up the wrong tree" she went crazy because of Dharma some of the experiments she witnessed were crazy enough to send her loony. After she went loony Dharma fired her and gave her ALOT of money to keep her quiet. Widmore new of her experience with Dharma and hired her as an agent to get Des to the island they got her a boat named The Elizabeth to match her name, she made the story up about David making Des feel sorry enough to accept the boat. Now I believe she was in Australia following Hurley, i know people say but i have a back up so hear me out. Hurley became an interest to Dharma because easily of his bad luck streak which made Dharma believe he was special and that was Libby's job to study him but because she went crazy the plan was scrapped. After her 1 off work for Widmore she tried to get back with Dharma saying to the leader shes sane now and that she has reason to believe she has enough data to follow him and study his every move. After the crash and joining our losties she continued her study and her intention was that Dharma would pose as a rescue team, find them, take them home and she could show her research.
Thats my theory.
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Theory by JackBrookes92
Thats my theory.
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Theory by JackBrookes92