Manifestations and Imagination.
Bens statement to Locke about the Magic Box.
Anything you Imagine, Open the Box and there it is.
The Magic Box Is the Island.
The Volcanic Eruption & Bens mother may be related to Bens Imagination.
As the teacher demonstrated the eruption, Ben Started to Imagine an Eruption, The ground began to shake, The Island starting to manifest his thought. then there was a gunshot a distraction for Ben, he turns his head, the shaking stops.
Later when Ben herd his Father arguing with Horace it made him wish his mum was there and (Whoosh!!!Zap!!!Pow!!!)) There she was.
Bens tumour
Anything you Imagine, Open the Box and there it is.
The Magic Box Is the Island.
The Volcanic Eruption & Bens mother may be related to Bens Imagination.
As the teacher demonstrated the eruption, Ben Started to Imagine an Eruption, The ground began to shake, The Island starting to manifest his thought. then there was a gunshot a distraction for Ben, he turns his head, the shaking stops.
Later when Ben herd his Father arguing with Horace it made him wish his mum was there and (Whoosh!!!Zap!!!Pow!!!)) There she was.
Bens tumour
Ben Might have imagined having somebody like Jack to come and heal him.
Maybe when Ben took Locke to see Jacob, Ben was testing Locke.
Ben didn't see Jacob, He just wanted to see if Locke could Manifest a Jacob, thus telling Ben that Locke was Indeed Special.
Powerful Ben
Maybe when Ben took Locke to see Jacob, Ben was testing Locke.
Ben didn't see Jacob, He just wanted to see if Locke could Manifest a Jacob, thus telling Ben that Locke was Indeed Special.
Powerful Ben
If this suggestion is right, I think Ben knows that The Island can do this, and this give Ben allot of power
He would be able to make events happen, Just by Imagining them
He would be able to make events happen, Just by Imagining them
This may give some idea as to why Ben is always one step ahead of the Losties.
Why the Others take the Children
I think the reason they take all the children is quite simple.
As any Parent will know
Children have a wild and vivid imagination.
With Children manifesting Aliens, Ghosts, Jolly Green Giants, and Hamburgers every time they get Hungry
The Losties would soon realise what was going on and would collectively wish for a cruise ship with an all you can eat buffet, free bar and a very big hot tub.
I think the reason they take all the children is quite simple.
As any Parent will know
Children have a wild and vivid imagination.
With Children manifesting Aliens, Ghosts, Jolly Green Giants, and Hamburgers every time they get Hungry
The Losties would soon realise what was going on and would collectively wish for a cruise ship with an all you can eat buffet, free bar and a very big hot tub.
Other Possible Examples of the Island Manifesting things from peoples Imagination
When Kate thought about her horse (Whoosh!!!Zap!!!Pow!!!)
Jack thought about his Father (Whoosh!!!Zap!!!Pow!!!)
Walt reading his Comic book (Whoosh!!!Zap!!!Pow!!!)
and so on.....
Flashback Overlaps.
This then can also explain why many of the Losties seem to have flashback Overlaps.
When The Island Re-writes a memory it has to make that new memory tangible
So it draws from its database and constructs new memory to be implanted using data it has gained and stored from other Losties
Memory/Experience is what makes a person who they are.
Change a persons Memory and in effect you change who that person is.
This would explain why it has seemed like some of our Losties have had sudden personality transplants.
Desmond's Flashes
This Might also be Linked to Desmond's Flashes
He’s not seeing the Future as such, he’s Imagining things and the Island is Manifesting what he Imagines.
Change a persons memory & change who they are
The Others know that if you change a persons memory you change who they are
That's why Carl was in Room 23.
So can we trust what see in Flashbacks ?
This then can also explain why many of the Losties seem to have flashback Overlaps.
When The Island Re-writes a memory it has to make that new memory tangible
So it draws from its database and constructs new memory to be implanted using data it has gained and stored from other Losties
Memory/Experience is what makes a person who they are.
Change a persons Memory and in effect you change who that person is.
This would explain why it has seemed like some of our Losties have had sudden personality transplants.
Desmond's Flashes
This Might also be Linked to Desmond's Flashes
He’s not seeing the Future as such, he’s Imagining things and the Island is Manifesting what he Imagines.
Change a persons memory & change who they are
The Others know that if you change a persons memory you change who they are
That's why Carl was in Room 23.
So can we trust what see in Flashbacks ?
Kate & Room 23
Kate's flashback In left behind seemed to have crossed paths with Sawyers girlfriend, It was a memory of Kate being suddenly helped by a Con-woman
The last thing Kate remembered was being Gassed
What if Kate was taken to Room 23, and given this memory so that she would be more excepting of Juliet.
Remember this so called Production Error?
Magnetic Resonance Imagining

For the record when I say 'manifested' I don’t see that as a Vision or Ghost like thing,
I mean it actually manifests, (Becomes real) :)
Extra Thoughts:
Charlie seemingly could not swim, But then he has a flashback of his father teaching him to swim and he Becomes a champion swimmer.
Was this an example of Charlie’s Memories being edited to enable Charlie to play out his role as a hero?
I think the biggest flaw in this suggestion lies with Walt and the Polar bears.
If Walt did indeed manifest bears, why do the others have bear cages?
I have come up with a rather complicated solution to this.
But to be honest I think this solution is a bit of a stretch, and I think it might be too complicated to be the right answer.
Bear Cages:
The Others take the children because they have a vivid wild Imagination.
However Walt was missed
So the Others knew they had to remove Walt before he started manifesting all manor of things, having already caused polar bears to manifest on the Island.
So the others captured Walt.
Once they had Walt they soon found out they could not hold him, because he was Special
They had allot of problems containing him and his Imagination.
If Walt realised he could make things happen just by imagining them
They would be in serious trouble.
So Ben came up with a clever plan that would Kill 3 birds with one stone.
1st: Ben created or imagined cages on the smaller Island.
2nd: Michael was lured to be captured and then they gave him a mission, knowing Michael would ask for his and Walt's freedom.
3rd: Ben set off to the Hatch to get captured so he could asses the situation in the hatch and maybe set Locke off on the Patch Ben wanted him on, the path to Not pushing the Button
And also it would give them a task for Michael that would bring the whole plan together.
So Michael played his part and rescued Ben and delivered 4 Losties.
And they took the 3 Losties to the smaller Island
This gave the Others the change to archive 3 goals.
The chance to work on Jack
Get rid of Walt who was becoming a real problem
And provide the Losties (& us) with a logical explanation for the bears being on the Island.
So that the Losties (& us) would not become "Aware" of what the Island is doing.
Kate's flashback In left behind seemed to have crossed paths with Sawyers girlfriend, It was a memory of Kate being suddenly helped by a Con-woman
The last thing Kate remembered was being Gassed
What if Kate was taken to Room 23, and given this memory so that she would be more excepting of Juliet.
Remember this so called Production Error?
Magnetic Resonance Imagining

For the record when I say 'manifested' I don’t see that as a Vision or Ghost like thing,
I mean it actually manifests, (Becomes real) :)
Extra Thoughts:
Charlie seemingly could not swim, But then he has a flashback of his father teaching him to swim and he Becomes a champion swimmer.
Was this an example of Charlie’s Memories being edited to enable Charlie to play out his role as a hero?
I think the biggest flaw in this suggestion lies with Walt and the Polar bears.
If Walt did indeed manifest bears, why do the others have bear cages?
I have come up with a rather complicated solution to this.
But to be honest I think this solution is a bit of a stretch, and I think it might be too complicated to be the right answer.
Bear Cages:
The Others take the children because they have a vivid wild Imagination.
However Walt was missed
So the Others knew they had to remove Walt before he started manifesting all manor of things, having already caused polar bears to manifest on the Island.
So the others captured Walt.
Once they had Walt they soon found out they could not hold him, because he was Special
They had allot of problems containing him and his Imagination.
If Walt realised he could make things happen just by imagining them
They would be in serious trouble.
So Ben came up with a clever plan that would Kill 3 birds with one stone.
1st: Ben created or imagined cages on the smaller Island.
2nd: Michael was lured to be captured and then they gave him a mission, knowing Michael would ask for his and Walt's freedom.
3rd: Ben set off to the Hatch to get captured so he could asses the situation in the hatch and maybe set Locke off on the Patch Ben wanted him on, the path to Not pushing the Button
And also it would give them a task for Michael that would bring the whole plan together.
So Michael played his part and rescued Ben and delivered 4 Losties.
And they took the 3 Losties to the smaller Island
This gave the Others the change to archive 3 goals.
The chance to work on Jack
Get rid of Walt who was becoming a real problem
And provide the Losties (& us) with a logical explanation for the bears being on the Island.
So that the Losties (& us) would not become "Aware" of what the Island is doing.
Theory by SpOOky