So, something has always bothered me about Jack’s flashforward. The way he and Kate interacted and the whole funeral thing. After thinking about this, I think I’ve got an idea why. First though, an explanation of what I think the island is and where.
With all the talk about time and space and time travel and other dimensions and two of the same objects occupying the same space and what not, I got to thinking about the island itself. What if the island does not exist in space and time? What if the island is actually a portal between worlds or dimensions? These dimensions may be quite similar in that human’s are the dominant life form and so forth, but there can be little differences, such as someone dies in one and lives in another, or something didn’t happen in one, but happened in another, and so forth (kind of like the show Sliders). The amount of dimensions can be infinite. Somehow, Dharma figured out how to gain access to this island, and how to manipulate the islands properties, meaning they can travel from dimension to dimension. Every now and then a vortex or portal opens up that the Other’s can’t control, allowing things like the Black Rock, Rousseau’s boat, the Nigerian plane, Henry Gale’s balloon, Desmond’s boat, and of course Flight 815. The key here is that all of these things could have come from separate dimensions. This is what blew my mind. If this is true, it could explain a lot. For instance:
1) In Desmond’s dimension, Libby was not insane, but was in fact the wife of the rich guy who had the boat. Hurley knows her from the Mental Institution because that’s what happened to Libby in his dimension.
2) The Nigerian Plane did hold Eko’s brother, but it was Eko’s brother from a separate dimension.
3) In Desmond’s dimension, the picture of he and Penny was taken and he kept the copy. The reason we see Penny with it now, is because she is Penny from a dimension where she kept the photo.
4) When Ben showed Juliet her sister with the kid, it was actually Juliet’s sister from a separate dimension in which she didn’t have cancer.
5) It clears up the Kelvin being in Iraq thing because the Kelvin on the island was from a different dimension than Sayid and the Kelvin who taught Sayid to torture people.
6) In Rousseau’s dimension, French people speak English with a Eastern European accent J.
There’s more I can’t think of right now, but you get the idea. The Swan was what kept portals in control. Now that it’s gone, the Others can’t control who gets in or out, and this is a big problem for the reasons Dr. Candle was afraid of in the Orchid video. If two of the same objects from different dimensions meet, then the universe will collapse or something. I also think Desmond did not travel back in time, but rather went to a separate dimension and actually became the Desmond in that dimension. This explains why Charlie didn’t know him when he met him; they never met in on-island-Charlie’s dimension. There’s something we haven’t seen yet, but what if in traveling between dimensions, Desmond was given a glimpse of everything that can and will happen on Island (not sure why) and this is why he can see the future.
Now, why Dharma would want to control such a thing is obvious, but what exactly there long term plans are / were I’m not so sure of. I do think the Orchid Video showed they were trying to figure out a way to keep the time/space continuum in place if two objects met each other. I think this is why they were so interested in Walt. Somehow, Walt was able to manipulate the dimensions and move across them, shoing up in different places at different times.
When the Others took over, they kept on with the experiments and began knew ones when they found out no children could be born on the island. Remember Juliet said it happened at conception, so it must be because there is no time/space on the island, so anything created there can not exist in any dimension (not sure why the mother’s die yet). This is why Aaron and Alex lived, because they were not created on island.
In order for the other’s to keep on with their experiments, they need people from other dimensions, so they gathered info on the 815ers and then went to separate dimensions where the plane never crashed and grabbed some of the 815ers from that dimension in order to pair them with the 815ers who crashed. So, somewhere on the island there is another Jack and Kate; or perhaps they aren’t there yet, but will be in the future of the show. Maybe this is why Smokey killed Eko: They already collected an Eko from another dimension and Smokey doesn't want them to meet.
I think this explains a few things about Jack and Kate in the flashforward. They aren’t future Jack and Kate, but other dimension Jack and Kate. This explains why Jack thought his Father was still alive. In that dimension, he is. Whoever was in the coffin was probably another of the 815ers from their dimension. This is why Kate was so uncaring; she didn’t know them, but knew that person in another dimension or on island. This is why Jack said he was not a friend or relative, he didn’t know them either, but knew their other selves from another dimension on island. Of course, this doesn’t explain why Jack knew of the plane crash or why they got free passes to fly anywhere. Or maybe Jack and Kate were sent to a different dimension? Ok, so it’s not completely fleshed out yet, but I think it has potential.
And I’ll be the first to admit there are some holes in this theory. For instance, if Desmond was from a different dimension, then how did he and Jack know each other? Of course they could have met in both dimensions at the same time and spot, so it’s not that off. I do think it answers a lot of the confusing things and besides….I have to do something over the break because I’m going NUTS!!!
Thoughts? Ideas?
Theory by Winston Smith
With all the talk about time and space and time travel and other dimensions and two of the same objects occupying the same space and what not, I got to thinking about the island itself. What if the island does not exist in space and time? What if the island is actually a portal between worlds or dimensions? These dimensions may be quite similar in that human’s are the dominant life form and so forth, but there can be little differences, such as someone dies in one and lives in another, or something didn’t happen in one, but happened in another, and so forth (kind of like the show Sliders). The amount of dimensions can be infinite. Somehow, Dharma figured out how to gain access to this island, and how to manipulate the islands properties, meaning they can travel from dimension to dimension. Every now and then a vortex or portal opens up that the Other’s can’t control, allowing things like the Black Rock, Rousseau’s boat, the Nigerian plane, Henry Gale’s balloon, Desmond’s boat, and of course Flight 815. The key here is that all of these things could have come from separate dimensions. This is what blew my mind. If this is true, it could explain a lot. For instance:
1) In Desmond’s dimension, Libby was not insane, but was in fact the wife of the rich guy who had the boat. Hurley knows her from the Mental Institution because that’s what happened to Libby in his dimension.
2) The Nigerian Plane did hold Eko’s brother, but it was Eko’s brother from a separate dimension.
3) In Desmond’s dimension, the picture of he and Penny was taken and he kept the copy. The reason we see Penny with it now, is because she is Penny from a dimension where she kept the photo.
4) When Ben showed Juliet her sister with the kid, it was actually Juliet’s sister from a separate dimension in which she didn’t have cancer.
5) It clears up the Kelvin being in Iraq thing because the Kelvin on the island was from a different dimension than Sayid and the Kelvin who taught Sayid to torture people.
6) In Rousseau’s dimension, French people speak English with a Eastern European accent J.
There’s more I can’t think of right now, but you get the idea. The Swan was what kept portals in control. Now that it’s gone, the Others can’t control who gets in or out, and this is a big problem for the reasons Dr. Candle was afraid of in the Orchid video. If two of the same objects from different dimensions meet, then the universe will collapse or something. I also think Desmond did not travel back in time, but rather went to a separate dimension and actually became the Desmond in that dimension. This explains why Charlie didn’t know him when he met him; they never met in on-island-Charlie’s dimension. There’s something we haven’t seen yet, but what if in traveling between dimensions, Desmond was given a glimpse of everything that can and will happen on Island (not sure why) and this is why he can see the future.
Now, why Dharma would want to control such a thing is obvious, but what exactly there long term plans are / were I’m not so sure of. I do think the Orchid Video showed they were trying to figure out a way to keep the time/space continuum in place if two objects met each other. I think this is why they were so interested in Walt. Somehow, Walt was able to manipulate the dimensions and move across them, shoing up in different places at different times.
When the Others took over, they kept on with the experiments and began knew ones when they found out no children could be born on the island. Remember Juliet said it happened at conception, so it must be because there is no time/space on the island, so anything created there can not exist in any dimension (not sure why the mother’s die yet). This is why Aaron and Alex lived, because they were not created on island.
In order for the other’s to keep on with their experiments, they need people from other dimensions, so they gathered info on the 815ers and then went to separate dimensions where the plane never crashed and grabbed some of the 815ers from that dimension in order to pair them with the 815ers who crashed. So, somewhere on the island there is another Jack and Kate; or perhaps they aren’t there yet, but will be in the future of the show. Maybe this is why Smokey killed Eko: They already collected an Eko from another dimension and Smokey doesn't want them to meet.
I think this explains a few things about Jack and Kate in the flashforward. They aren’t future Jack and Kate, but other dimension Jack and Kate. This explains why Jack thought his Father was still alive. In that dimension, he is. Whoever was in the coffin was probably another of the 815ers from their dimension. This is why Kate was so uncaring; she didn’t know them, but knew that person in another dimension or on island. This is why Jack said he was not a friend or relative, he didn’t know them either, but knew their other selves from another dimension on island. Of course, this doesn’t explain why Jack knew of the plane crash or why they got free passes to fly anywhere. Or maybe Jack and Kate were sent to a different dimension? Ok, so it’s not completely fleshed out yet, but I think it has potential.
And I’ll be the first to admit there are some holes in this theory. For instance, if Desmond was from a different dimension, then how did he and Jack know each other? Of course they could have met in both dimensions at the same time and spot, so it’s not that off. I do think it answers a lot of the confusing things and besides….I have to do something over the break because I’m going NUTS!!!
Thoughts? Ideas?
Theory by Winston Smith